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It was lunch now and you and Dee were walking to the lunchroom, you knew this made Diana pissed but you didn't care. when you got to the lunchroom the lady served (she served slayyyy😜😜😜) she served who knows what was it soup? a Meat?, Whatever it's not important, you sat down with dee and you both didn't eat for the fear of salmonella.

You were in the lunch room sitting in silence until the boy that was with Dee in the mall walked in, he was flipping his head around probably looking for Dee "Dee!" he yelled but nobody looked in was too loud even without him there. Just then dee waved his hand up so the boy- ah what was his name? You couldn't remember for the life of you.

He came (HE WHAT?) he came running over and sat down out of breath "Ah you stink heavy when was the last time you showered?" Dee said looking slightly revolted which isn't an easy expression to make "I just came from the gym" he said out of breath grabbing a paper bag out of his bag and putting it on the table, he must have brought his lunch lucky him.. "Okay I don't blame you for not using the school locker room Showers but at least put on some deodorant," Dee says making a pretty fair point. You feel kinda out of place at them arguing right in front of you.

Heavy talks on and on about something that happened in his class that drowns out easily for you, until you feel two little passive-aggressive? Taps on your shoulder.

A new title for my story bc it was cringe *(dee x reader)*Where stories live. Discover now