Rollcall to Arms

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Sitting at the base of a large pine tree, the grey-eyed boy stared at his reflection in his sword. Like much of his life, he was alone with himself- his thoughts.

'Gods exist, no biggie. Demi-gods exist, even less biggie. They'll take me in at no cost, but what's my purpose here? Simply sanctuary?'

He looked at his dull grey reflection and heard the crunch of grass approaching.

'Maybe a lack of rent is all I need to stay.'

Looking up, it was Annabeth with an extra plate of food. "They're not sure whether you should follow our customs or not, but that doesn't mean they'll let you starve. You did save one of us."

The grey-eyed boy hummed, making Annabeth assume that was his sense of gratitude. Taking what she can get, she handed him a plate of strawberries, grapes, bread, and smoked brisket.

"Can I call you Grey?" Annabeth asked as he took a grape and ate it. Chewing for a second, he shook his head.

"Too lame." He ate a strawberry but spared the greenery on top.

"For someone with no name, you're awfully picky." Annabeth took the time to bite into a strawberry of her own.

"Gotta sound as cool as I look."

Annabeth snorted and shook her head at his arrogance. She turned her back to him and began walking away.

"Ashe it is then. No rerolls." She left, making the boy look to the sky. He contemplated whether it was good enough, and felt it had a nice ring to it.

Daughter of Athena giving him a name. Ashe. He liked it.

Tensions were high once more in Camp Half-Blood. The boys of Cabin Eleven were gathered around for sword training, murmuring about whether Percy was a fluke or not.

Now an honorary cabin member, it was only right that the time would come when Ashe was acknowledged.

Luke approached the boy sitting down with his blade in the sand. Looking up with intrigue, Ashe saw a welcoming smile.



"I apologize for my ignorance the other day. I was just excited for our cabin to have another Demi-god. I didn't mean to single you out. It was wrong of me." Luke was honest. Ashe could feel that much.

Whether his intentions were malicious or not, something made him regret what he had done.

Holding out his hand, he lifted Ashe to his feet.

"Let's spar. I take it someone like you communicates better through the blade." Luke smirked seeing Ashe nod with a surprising amount of emotion.

The crowd had gathered, and Percy hummed in confusion after dousing himself with a cup of ice water. Feeling refreshed, he strut over to the crowd and weaved his way in between.

'Finally! I've yet to see him do much of anything since the Minotaur. Let's see what Ashe can do...' Percy's curiosity was finally about to be satiated.

He understood where his own
strength came from, but Ashe was human. He recalled the boy being able to stop the Minotaur with his body alone. That wasn't normal. Maybe he should've asked about that...

Luke stood in a straight linear stance, while Ashe held his sword at his hip in what seemed like confidence.

"He's underestimating, Luke? This guy's gonna get embarrassed."

"That sword is his almost his height, no way he's good with that thing."

Since it wasn't discussed how Percy killed the Minotaur, it wasn't common knowledge it was thanks to Ashe's rather disturbing strength.

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