Drachma For Your Thoughts

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"You have to be the most moronic human I've ever met. We should've killed her!" Annabeth was whisper shouting as they set up a small area to camp out for the night.

"See, I'd agree," Percy butt in. "But he just got us a really valuable magic item, directions, and some bomb leftovers. He's kinda the MVP."

Percy pat Ashe's back, and grew fascinated at the necklace hanging by his chest.

"But... But she's evil. We shouldn't leave her to hurt anymore innocents. You saw her collection back there." Annabeth seemed to take it personally as a daughter of Athena.

"Is that really our place? She didn't ask to be made the way she was. It was forced upon her, just like a certain someone. Put yourself in her shoes... what right do we have to ruin her livelihood even further?"

Grover and Percy were taken aback by how mature he sounded. They had to admit, despite the circumstances, it wasn't their place to meddle, even after her fate had already been decided.

"You...! Don't you... Ugh!" Annabeth ruffled her hair and took to the blanket Medusa left them with. It only further added to her sour mood when she realized that Medusa helped them due to Ashe's kindness, but she quickly drifted off to sleep from her exhaustion.

Percy frowned and rubbed his nape.

"I guess she would feel that way since the events involved her mother. Shocked the two didn't go at it in the store..." Percy took his own blanket and laid it out, but didn't have any intention of sleeping.

"I'll take first watch." Percy announced, and it was all Ashe needed to hear.

After fighting three-winged bat creatures, being in the blast radius of an explosion, and ending the night with a good meal from his new favorite aunt, he was more than ready to go pass out.

He quickly laid out his own blanket, before falling over and succumbing to his own exhaustion.

"I have an idea." Grover said with a smile. "I'm game. What do you have in mind?" Percy asked in confusion.

Ashe was back above the clouds trying to tune his mind once again to perceive the woman before him. It took him much less time than before due to her prior visit, and he was met with her inquisitive glare mere centimeters from his face.


"Clearly you aren't very faithful..."

The Goddess crossed her arms and tried to understand his actions. Athena had long since been over what Poseidon and the poor Medusa had done, and even understood the matter more than she had in the moment. However, it never crossed her mind to undo the curse placed upon the woman.

She leered at the necklace, then back up at him. She assumed that after being able to perceive her, his faith would skyrocket, had there been any, since he could see through the Mist.

However, she was stunned to find that he had met Medusa and even befriended her, earning a magic item. That woman beat her to the punch... she was admittedly jealous.

She wanted to gain his favor after sensing his clear pursuit of knowledge after deciphering the Mist and its properties.

Grumbling to herself, she completely ignored when he booped her nose to get her attention. She continued with her inner turmoil.

'Is it his young mind that allows his imagination to see past the illusion. Perhaps it's the child-like wonder they speak of.' Ashe booped her nose again, but she still hadn't responded.

'Normally, I'd simply asked, but where's the thrill of that? And clearly he's a bit of a tease, so I doubt he'd up and say.'

Ashe squeezed her nose, making her finally focus on him, and see he was grinning with satisfaction.

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