The Beginning

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I hope I could tell you that the first time I met you, my heart skipped a beat.
And that's the first time I felt that way in over two decades of my existence.
The first time I could say I was floating in the air and my mind went blank in an instant.
And the first time my whole world froze and turned in total chaos.

It was brief, perhaps, about fifty minutes.
I don't know if it was a blessing in disguise that the person whom you were supposed to meet couldn't make it, and since I was available at that moment, I was asked to substitute for my colleague.

Don't you know that the vibe you gave off was so warm?
It was my first time to have that feeling of belongingness.
To be more precise, the meeting profoundly affected my whole being.
And I never thought that our path would cross again after that.

If I had to describe you then, well, my first impression was you were so bright. I thought I would go blind due to the brightness you possessed.
You were wearing a white t-shirt and, probably, shorts, actually I couldn't recall what you wore below.
You had white skin complexion and welcoming demeanor.
The way you greeted me was so perfect for that setting.

I could sense you were a bit of nervous at that time since it was the first you met me. So did I.
We exchanged our profiles and got down into the main point of the meeting, which was deciphering a certain problem with regards to proposed marketing material for that year's product launching.

At some point, you had difficulty understanding some parts, but you were quite patient and willing to listen to the explanations until you fully grasped the main point of it.
I wish I could tell that that during that time I was with you in that not so spacious room, ironically speaking, I felt at ease at the same time, feeling like it was a waste not to get more time with you thereafter the meeting.

When you left the room, I felt the void deep within.
The feeling which was beyond comprehension.
There was this urge to stop you from getting away from me, but then, I realized who was I to do such action?
As a matter of fact, neither of us owned each other.

I wish I could tell you that even after that first encounter, I prayed to meet you again and get to know you more.
That every time I went to work, unconsciously my eyes would search around to see you.
Although the possibility was thin, I never gave up.
I didn't know, but it's as if I was being pulled towards you.
There was this thread that connected me to wherever you were.
That despite the truth, you were nowhere to be found, I could still feel your presence.
The presence that gave me comfort, excitement as well as sweat in my hands.
As I did not have any clues how to forge our destiny to cross.

-To be continued ~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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I Hope I Could Tell You These Unspoken Things by Gracia Sefuesca Where stories live. Discover now