FYI. Different languages will be in italics
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Lyra is awakened by a fire on the top of her tent and lots of loud noises. She screams before she scrambles out of the tent. She panic's as she sees the vehicles start to move. She starts running and actually manages to catch up with Milo. Luckily, they get on the vehicle before it left them behind.
Lyra is taking deep breaths, her sickness and the smoke are not making it easy to breath. Her breathing quickens as she notices that they are falling down and backwards.
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"Alright, who not dead, sound off."
Many people groan in response.
"Danged lightnin' bugs done bit me on my sit upon. Somebody's gonna have to suck out that poison. Now, don't everyone jump up at once."
"Audrey, give me a damage report." Rourke calls out.
"Not as bad as it could have been. We totaled rigs two and seven, but the digger looks like it'll still run. Lucky for us we landed in something soft."
Mole has his eyepieces zoom into the ground. "Pumice ash. We are standing at the base of a dormant volcano. "
Helga hits Mole in the stomach and shoots a flare up. "It just keeps going."
Vinny shrugs. "Maybe that's our ticket out of here?"
"Maybe not."
Mole looks around. "The magma has solidified in the bowels of the volcano, effectively blocking the exit."
"I have the same problem with sauerkraut." Packard states while taking a puff of her cigarette.
Sweet panics. "Hold on, back up. Are you sayin' this whole volcano can blow at any time?"
"No, no, no." Mole shakes his head. "That would take an explosive force of great magnitude."
Everyone looks at Vinny who is doing something with a bomb. "Maybe I should do this later, huh?"
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Lyra groans as she starts to gain consciousness, but she doesn't open her eyes, not just yet. She is surprised to find that the ground below her is weirdly soft. Her back seemed to be leaning against a rock which makes her sit up.
Lyra has a small smile on her face when she realizes how much better she feels. Her throat no longer hurts, her headache is gone, and she no longer feels cold. Actually, the rock she is laying on is quite warm.
Lyra was just about to open her eyes but instead she tenses when she feels something on her arm. If it was a bug she might just freak. She barley opens one of her eyes and she sees her body cover in dirt and ash, she sees her legs spread out in front of her with small amounts of dried blood but no scratches or cuts, and her left arm is covered in cuts. She holds her breath when she sees an arm of a person that she doesn't recognize from behind her, and their hand lays on her arm above a cut. The arm is covered in weird blue markings that she has never seen before, in their hand they are holding a purplish glowing crystal and pressing it against one of the cuts on her arm.
Lyra tries her best not to panic when she realizes that the warm rock, she was laying on is actually a man. She now understands the position they are in, which makes her blush a little. The man is on his knees with Lyra laying in between them and her back laying on his chest. Lyra tries to move away slowly but the stranger must have thought she was slipping away from him, and he wraps his other arm around her waist to keep her close to him.
Lyra looks towards her arm once again without alerting the stranger that she is awake, and she is surprised to see that most of the cuts are gone. The stranger puts the crystal on another one of her cuts and leaves it there for a second before placing it on another cut. Lyra had to hold in a gasp when the first cut disappeared. He's healing her.
Lyra can't help it as she turns her head to look the man's face. The man was surprised when Lyra showed that she was awake and subconsciously tightens his grip on her. He has tan skin, long white hair, big blue eyes, three small blue markings under his left eye, and one gold earring. The stranger is looking at Lyra face like she is looking over his. He brings up one of his hands and places it on Lyra's cheek and moves his thumb back and forth over her cheek bone. Lyra lets out a breath that she didn't know that she was holding as they stare into each other's eyes. Lyra's face blushes a bright red as she realizes how close the two of them are, which the stranger notices and smiles at, and that of course makes her blush more.
They both realize how they are leaning into each other but either of them wants to move away. They got close enough to each other that their noses started to brush.
At the sound of voices calling out for her, Lyra and the stranger broke apart. The stranger goes to stands up but stops when Lyra takes a hold on his wrist. "Wait," The stranger tilts his head at her use of English. "I say thank you. For me heal." Lyra blushes when the stranger starts to smile at her for error. "For healing me. Thank you."
"Lyra! Where are you! You better not be dead!" Lyra chuckles at Audery's words.
Lyra tries to stand up but instead is scooped in the arms of the stranger. Lyra squeals as she is lifted up and wrap her arms around his neck. She turns her head towards the stranger who has a smile on his face. "Trust me."
"Trust you? I mean, ok-" Lyra cuts herself off when he starts running off, she tightens her grip and puts her face into his neck when he starts to jump rock to rock.
The stranger manages to squeeze through a hole in the rocks and he lays Lyra on a mossy, but dry rock. Lyra goes to turn her head to look at what is around her but is stopped when the stranger puts his hand on her cheek and places a kiss on forehead. "I will see you again." Before Lyra can say something, he runs off.
Not long after that the drill machine starts coming through the wall. Lyra gets off the rock the stranger put her on and walks towards the edge of a cliff, in shock and awe of what she sees.
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