We Got This Together

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Outside the rest of the Mane 6 were getting things ready for the festival. A rainbow streak was zooming through cloud clearing them out and it reveled to be Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: YES! Sky's cleared and ready for the Festival.

She continued to zoom around. Down below the festival was looking great.

On the stage where Songbird Serenade will play

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On the stage where Songbird Serenade will play. Pinkie Pie was blowing up balloon animals. And then she shapes one into Discord.

But then the ballon started to deflate possible because it wasn't tied good enough. It blows away and knocking Pinkie off her feet. Meanwhile Fluttershy was conducting birds for music, and one wasn't a bird it was her pet rabbit Angel in a bird costume and he wasn't very pleased of wearing it. Then the balloon zoomed by and Pinkie chases after it as she scares the birds away.

Pinkie Pie: Head up, Fluttershy! Out of control balloooooon!

Fluttershy: Hoo. I don't think it's the balloon that's out of control Pinkie.

Applejack came pulling a cart of Apple Cider.

Applejack: Hey, y'all!

She then ducked her head down when Pinkie was chasing the deflating balloon.

Applejack: Anypony up for some free samples of my family's Apple Cider?

It got Rainbow Dash's interest sparking. She zooms by Applejack grabbing the cup and drinking it. And puts it back on Applejack's hoof while zooming away.

Rainbow Dash: Thank you! Love it!

Applejack looks at the cup and remembers it being full of cider. Over at the edge of the stage Rarity was setting ribbons and diamonds with her magic. And was carefully placing a jewel on with her magic while humming.

Applejack: Wow Rarity. It's a fine job you're doin' there. Course it might not get done til after the concert.

Applejack does have a point, at the pace she's going it could be almost dark when she's on the last one.

Rarity: Applejack darling, anypony can do fine. Twilight asked me, so clearly she's going for fabulous, and fabulous takes time.

Then Rainbow came slowly hovering down to them while rolling her eyes annoyed.

Rainbow Dash: Fabulous takes forever! But awesome...

She quickly zooms the entire stage hanging a ribbon and finishes in seconds, she even zooms by Fluttershy making her spin and wrapped up in a ribbon and when she stops spinning her eyes were still spinning around.

Rainbow Dash: can get down in 4 seconds flat! Faster if I do my sonic rainboom!

She gets ready to fly off, but stops when Rarity yells in panic at her work.

Rarity: Aah! Nono, oh no! Don't you dare Rainbow Dash! It looks wretched enough already.

Even though the ribbons were hanged, they were all messed up.

Even though the ribbons were hanged, they were all messed up

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Rainbow Dash: Oh come on, it's fine.

Rarity: If you were raised in a barn! Ahem, no offense Applejack.

Rarity looks at Applejack with a sheepish smile. Applejack assures Rarity as she kept refilling a cup of cider repeatedly, because Rainbow Dash zooming back and forth and drinking and placing the cup on the cart repeatedly.

Applejack: None taken. Especially since I wasn't raised in a barn. My family just happens to have a barn. Where I was born. And... spent most of my formative years...

Applejack realized she was literally raised in a barn as Rainbow voices over.

Rainbow Dash: Raised in a barn.

Then Twilight and Spike arrived, and Twilight was going over a checklist.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, just 218 things left to do and we're ready.

Their friends turned around and greeted them.

Rainbow Dash/AJ/Fluttershy: Hey, Twilight.

Rarity: Hello, Spike.

Spike: Uh, hi, Rarity.

He smiled nervously while blushing.

Applejack: How'd it go with other princesses? They like your idea?

Pinkie Pie: I bet they loved it!

Pinkie shouted still chasing the balloon. Twilight sighed and lowers her list.

Twilight Sparkle: Not exactly. They think I can make today perfect without their magic.

Rarity: And they are absolutely right, darling. This festival is your brilliant idea and we know you're up for the task.

Twilight begins go into panic mode again.

Twilight Sparkle: But what if I'm not?! What if Songbird Serenade hates the stage?! Or nopony makes a new friend?! And if I fail at the festival, then who am I?!

Pinkie then grabs Twilight's cheeks and pulls her into her serious face.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, look at me! This will be the biggest celebration Equestria has ever seen! As the Princess of Friendship, you cannot fail! This day will define who you are! The pressure is intense! It's almost too much for any single pony to handle!

She then screams catching the attention of a few ponies.

Pinkie Pie: But you have us! So stop worrying. Besides we all saved Equestria from the Titans hundreds of times.

Then the ribbon on Fluttershy falls off her. Rarity fixes a jewel, a balloon pops. Rainbow burps lightly. Twilight smiles nervously. Then Applejack helps her up and begins to sing.

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