19 - Justin

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~ Wednesday, February 17, 2021 ~

In Zayn's compact bedroom office located on the right side of the bedroom, Justin is fully immersed in a virtual meeting with his dedicated team of nurses and doctors. The room is lit by the morning sun coming from his right. Justin listens intently to the discussion unfolding on the video call. The muted sounds of typing and hushed voices fill the air as his team discusses various aspects of the patient they have scheduled for the day.

In the corner of his eye, he could see Zayn moving about the bedroom, his tousled black hair falling haphazardly over his eyes that are still heavy with sleep. Harry had left a few minutes ago, taking Bellatrix out for a walk in the brisk morning air and to pick up breakfast for the three of them.

Turning his attention back to the computer, "Mrs. Lawrence had an appointment scheduled for today, but after receiving a confirmation call, she was informed that you wouldn't be available to see her. As a result, she has canceled her appointment, insisting that she will only be seen by you." Serenity explained, her eyes moving from the screen to the paper in front of her. Justin furrowed his brow slightly, processing the news.

"Let Mrs. Lawrence know that I will be back in the office on Monday," he said, his voice firm but kind. "If there is something that needs to be seen to before then, tell her to please come in." He quickly jotted down the new appointment in his schedule.

As the call continued, Justin delves into the important matters concerning the practice, different voices murmuring back and forth in conversation. After ensuring that all aspects had been thoroughly covered, Justin nodded in satisfaction. Glancing at the time, he realized it was time to conclude the meeting, with a goodbye Justin ends the call. In a swift movement, he powers the off the computer monitor and stands up, stretching his arms above his head.

"Mornin', babe," Zayn greeted with a warm smile, opening the door and walking over to Justin. Justin responds by wrapping his arm around Zayn's shoulder and planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Morning, beautiful." He replied, gazing into Zayn's eyes with affection.

"Harry just got back," Zayn remarked, handing Justin a cup of coffee. Justin accepted it gratefully, taking a sip and savoring the familiar taste.

"How was the meeting?" Zayn inquires as they make their way out of the small office and through the bedroom towards the living room. In the kitchen, Justin spots Harry unpacking food containers from plastic bags.

"It went well. I have a few things to take care of on Monday." Justin answers, the three of them now gathered in the cozy kitchen.

Harry looks up from his task, his bright green eyes meeting Justin's. "I hope everything's under control?" He asks, concerned. Justin nods, assuring him that it is. Harry hands out the breakfast items, including croissants, scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and a bowl of mixed fruit.

Gathering the food containers, Justin, Zayn, and Harry make their way to the dining table, each settling into chairs as they prepared to enjoy their meal together. The aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air. They engaged in casual conversation, chatting about lighthearted topics while the cats and dogs roamed around, their playful antics providing a comforting background soundtrack.

As the last bites are taken and the plates were cleared, Justin and Harry rose from their seats to take care of the table, their movements synchronized in a silent dance of domesticity. Meanwhile, Zayn wanders over to the living room, his steps echoing softly against the floor.

"Will I see you two for lunch?" Zayn asks, retrieving his phone and wallet from the coffee table as he awaited their response.

"Of course, do you want us to meet you at the shop?" Harry replies, the sound of running water from the sink mingling with his words as he rinsed off the forks and placed them in the drying rack.

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