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Please send in requests here.

Use this as a space where you can comment them and I will check on here before starting a new one shot to see if there are any requests that you want to me to.

You can request any of the following types:

- Taylor as a mom
- Taylor and Travis
- Just Taylor
- Taylor Interacting with Fans
- Taylor as a step mom or aunt
- Taylor's cats?
- sensitive topics

I do not write:

- y/n stuff as I have tried before but find it too difficult to write without a specific character
- smut - sorry people that I know see my stuff 😂

If you are requesting:
- please make sure to comment it and if I don't reply to your comment send in another as i most likely haven't seen the comment
- if it requires a character that isn't someone irl please try to suggest a name as I struggle to come up with them
- please respect other people's requests too.
- and last but not least be patient 😂 I will get to your request but sometimes I get a lot of ideas that I need to wrote down before I forget them

Taylor Swift One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now