Second Place

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Sophia was only 3 when her parents surprised her with what they thought would be a great present to her. For some reason they had in their head that she would enjoy a bit of company and wanted a little sibling however she was the opposite of that. All she abated was her mommy and daddy to herself and no one else, not even any more pets. With how much the couple worked she barely saw her parents much as it was, never mind having to spend that time split with another sibling.

Sophie had just got her head around it being alright to have a sister to dance with when the gender reveal cake revealed a blue inside and that was the most heartbreaking day for Taylor. She didn't mind having a boy, if anything she was excited to have one of each meaning she could look into new outfits however seeing Sophia's reaction really put a downward spiral on the day. It practically dampened everyone's mood.

Sophia had been a mommy's girl since day one, they had always kept her close to Taylor with her being their first child. She had been breastfed right up until she was two and a half as it seemed to be the only way to comfort her then once she got weaned the couple had begun cosleeping. The only time that Sophia wasn't stuck to Taylor's side was when she was performing. Even during tour rehearsals she would sit on the stage watching her mom in admiration.

Since Taylor became pregnant things had changed a lot, up until the last two months of Taylor's pregnancy things had been quite normal, she had her parents around a lot more often due to Taylor taking time out of work to ensure the baby was healthy. However now that Taylor was going to give birth any day she wasn't even allowed to sleep in their bed. Not once had Sophia slept in her own room and she found it terrifying but every time she went to get her parents her dad would take her back to bed and tuck her back in. It got to a point where she gave up even trying, she knew that if her mommy woke up and saw her crying she wouldn't be able to resist her sad face and would let her right into bed but for some reason Travis wouldn't let her wake Taylor up.

Taylor and Sophia were out in a mommy-daughter day when Taylor's contractions had started, at first she tried to work through the pain and give her daughter a great day before the new baby, however she knew it had to pause when she noticed her waters had broken. "Hey Soph I really need to get to a doctor so we're gonna have to leave." Taylor explained, paying for their food and rushing to the car where her driver had been waiting.

She instructed him to go straight to the hospital. She must have noticed Sophia's disappointment as Sophia felt herself being pulled into a tight momma hug. She didn't understand what was going on but when she heard Taylor start crying in pain it made her panic. She quickly jumped up and hugged Taylor trying to make it better however she didn't realize that she was actually making it harder for Taylor. All that Taylor wanted was some fresh air and personal space however the toddler just wouldn't leave her side.

Travis met them at the hospital where he pulled Sophia away from Taylor and handed her over to a babysitter that he had hired to take care of her at any given moment that was needed. Both Travis and Andrea followed Taylor to the delivery room where no one else could enter. Sophia cried for hours on end just wanting her mommy to hold her again and be back with her.

"Hey Sophia, your mommy is ready to see you. Do you want to mean your baby brother?" A doctor asked, Sophia nodded and made her way into a hospital room where Taylor was laying, almost asleep and now holding a little baby. No one really looked over at her so she stood observing her mommy and new brother until eventually she was noticed.

"Oh hey sweetie, do you want to hold your brother?" Taylor asked. Sophia shook her head, she was over tired and hungry all she wanted was to be held by her mommy.

"Can you hold Pwease?" She asked, trying to climb up onto the bed. Taylor wanted to stay on as she was in so much pain and discomfort but seeing her poor little toddler crying and desperate for some form of comfort she couldn't say no. She handed her baby over to her mom and asked Travis to lift Sophia up onto the bed. He was hesitant at first however he understood that Taylor wanted her daughter to still feel loved and included.

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