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TW - vomiting, weak body, small mention of past ED
Taylor felt a piercing pain in her head, she had been feeling drained recently since she got back from tour but she had no idea why, she had been resting up so much and yet she still couldn't seem to move much. She had told Travis about this however she downplayed it a lot and managed to put on a small act when he was around. Usually she only had to play "healthy" during dinner time and after that she would just go to bed and rest up with her cats. She didn't know if maybe her diet just didn't have enough energy in it or if she really wasn't resting enough but the second option seemed so unusual especially as she had been spending so much time in bed. Clearly the tour was getting on top of her.

She didn't have much longer left of her break and she knew she needed to get better before returning. Taylor swift performs in heat, rain and even thunderstorms, she wasn't going to stop due to a bit of tiredness. She couldn't tell her mom how she felt because that just meant that she wouldn't be stressed and she didn't want to worry her. Instead she sent Travis a quick message.

Travis 🏈
Hey Trav, if you're not too busy could you maybe call me, I think I need a little help. Don't worry too much xx

Once the message had been sent Taylor turned off her phone and watched a few more episodes of friends before checking it again, nothing. Usually Travis would be allowed his phone while he was training so it was understandable however she did hope that he would at some point have some sort of break. Taylor felt her body become weak as she jumped up running to the bathroom. She could feel her legs giving way and just as she made it to the edge of the toilet they gave way and her lunch came back up. Tears burned in her eyes as she continued to feel her stomach slowly empty. She was there for so long that it began to hurt and that's when she went to her backup plan.

She hovered her finger over the call button however when she fell herself beginning to gag again she quickly hit the call button. "Hey Taylor is everything okay?" Was heard from the phone.

"Tree, please can you come. I umm I need some help." Taylor whispered, her voice breaking with the tears on the last word. She got a quick yes before the phone was put down.

By the time Tree had arrived Taylor had already started throwing up again. Due to the rush her hair was already completely ruined by the puke and her chin had hit the toilet seat pretty hard causing her to draw a little blood. Tree didn't even knock, instead she ran straight in and up to Taylor's  room following it around to the en-suite where she found the blonde haired woman sat on the floor sobbing and continuing to throw up. Before Taylor could even notice she was there she had pulled back Taylor's now disgusting hair and put it up into a ponytail before kneeling down and gently rubbing Taylors back.

In all her years of working for Taylor she had never seen her in such a state. Taylor's eyes were hidden by dark circles around them and her face had gone so pale, even during Taylor's eating struggles she hadn't seen her so pale. Treen had been like Taylor's 2nd mom since day one so to see Taylor like this truly broke her heart. In a way she was just happy that Taylor had reached out to her and asked for her help.

Eventually Taylor stopped throwing up and tree grabbed her shoulders, pulling Taylor's back against her front so that Taylor could lay her head back against her. She grabbed some tissue from the side and gently placed it on Taylor chin before wiping away her tears. Taylor's body felt heavy despite how little she had eaten that day, it was heavy from its weakness. Due to how weak Taylor was she was becoming a dead weight and so close to passing out.

She could feel every one of Taylor's sobs as she tried to calm the woman. "Taylor you're okay Travis is almost here he's got water and food. You need to eat it because you've thrown up because you haven had any. Why didn't you eat today Taylor?" Tree asked her, now becoming serious.

"I've been so drained, it's so hard to stand up and walk so it's hard to get food. I have no idea why I've been feeling like this though I've been doing so well I've been eating and drinking. I guess working so much has caught up to me." Taylor explained. She could feel trees hand gently rubbing her arm in an attempt to comfort her and the other hand against her head.

"You don't feel as hot anymore do you think your stomach has settled?" Tree asked, Taylor nodded her head so Tree stood up, helping the younger woman stand up also. Tree helped Taylor get back into bed before going to greet Travis at the door.

Travis immediately made his way to Taylor, not hesitating to get beside her and hug her close. He couldn't believe that she needed him and he hadn't even seen her message. The only reason he knew was because tree had contacted his coach and explained the situation.

"Travis if she doesn't improve please take her to a hospital for me." Tree instructed before goes to Taylor and hugging her then grabbing her bag. Taylor watched confused. She didn't want tree to leave her yet, if she was going to throw up again she wanted Tree with her, she couldn't let Travis see her in that state.

"Please can you stay?" She asked, just above a whisper. Tree smiled a little before checking the time and nodded. She made her way back over and sat beside Taylor. While Taylor managed to keep down some food Treelooked over Taylor schedule.

"Okay here's what we're going to do. I'm gonna have a talk with the rest of your team because there's a few things that we could cut out of this schedule of yours. What's most important is that you rest in the correct way and don't make yourself any more sick." Tree explained.

Once Taylor had got some food and drink in her and had kept it down for over an hour Tree got a doctor over to assess Taylor's condition. They managed to give Taylor some much needed advice on staying healthy while working and ensured that she had some good vitamins and supplements to keep her healthy before and during her tour.

As tree made her way to the door Travis grabbed her arm. "Thanks for coming to help her today when I couldn't, I really appreciate you getting me here too. You're a great publicist and Taylor really is grateful. I just know that if she was awake right now she would want me to thank you."

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