Ears Pierced

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Taylor's POV:

I walked into my room, rushing to find my jewelry box that I desperately needed before my date with Travis. Since we had our daughter Bailey we hadn't got out much, mostly due to her clinginess and also the time that she needed us for at night such as to get her to bed and make sure she's settled too.

My mom offered to watch her for a night so we really couldn't refuse the offer, since we hadn't gone out in a while it was a no brainer. I had a specific bracelet and necklace in mind that would match perfectly with my dress however I just could not locate my jewelry box at all. 

Finally giving up, I made my way to Bailey's room to say goodbye and good night. As I walked in I couldn't help but notice the contents of my jewelry box smeared across the floor and her routing through it all. Holding up earrings to her ears in a small mirror. "Mommy! Look!" She yelled as she showed me the earrings up against her ears.

"That's beautiful darling but mommy needs those, these aren't for playing with, they're expensive and mommy spent a lot of money on all of this so next time just ask okay?" I asked, trying to keep calm, putting everything back in and putting in the earrings. She nodded a little then ran over to say goodnight before following me to the door and waving bye to both me and Travis.

The next morning I woke up to her poking me and sitting between me and Travis in our bed, how she got in there without me realizing is a question that I will never know the answer to. I smiled a little, hugging her close. "Mommy I want earrings can I get my ears pierced."

This was the moment I had been dreading, I didn't want her to get them too young in case she pulled them out but at the same time I knew she had wanted this for a while she just hadn't asked yet. I looked over to Travis who gave me a little not to tell me he would be okay with her getting them done. Hesitantly I agreed and we began to get ready to go.

As we approached the piercing shop I could tell she was getting nervous. She had asked a few questions and explained that she hadn't realized she would have to have a needle go through her ear. I could see how nervous she was when she sat down on the bed. I have never ever seen my poor baby shake so much in her life so I made my way over to her and gently took her hand in mine.

Travis kept a distance, not wanting to see the pain when it went through her ears. However to both of our surprise, she didn't cry or say anything. Instead she just froze.

Once both ears had been done the lady showed her the earrings in her ears and she still had no reaction which immediately caused concern. I gently rubbed her back a little and hugged her before trying to get her to speak. "Honey do you feel okay?" I asked.

She nodded and got down fro the bed before reaching for me. She never asked to be carried anymore, it was always "I wanna be a big girl" or "I can do it myself" so I could tell that she was in pain and just hiding it. Instead of arguing with her I just carefully picked her up before making my way to the car.

I could hear a few sniffles so it was obvious she was crying however her face was hidden so clearly she wanted to hide this. I just presented I didn't hear it and continued to gently rub her back still. "Bailey you need to let go so mommy can out you in the car." I told her and I could feel her shake her head.

Pulling her away from my body I could see her eyes filling with more tears and streams running down her cheeks. I chuckled a little and her little pout then kissed her nose. "Hay it's okay, it's gonna stop hurting so, so, so soon and then you can show everyone what a big girl you are and show off your earrings." I told her, she nodded a little and hugged me again before letting me set her down in the car.

"Hey, Bailey you look just like mommy now." Travis told her, knowing that it would cheer her up. He was correct as immediately she cracked a smile and looked over at me. My little clone in child form was growing up so fast and I couldn't handle it. I just wanted to keep her this tiny forever.

A/N: sorry this is so short, I had an exam today and have one tomorrow and have been trying to write this over the past few days while revising.

Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing it.

If you have any requests please remember to comment them for me to see and I will get on with it right away!

Also I will be creating "tour troubles" into a full story and have already begun writing that so if you enjoyed it keep a lookout for that!

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