Chapter 3

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I sat with my hands on my knees rubbing back and forth anxiously. I glanced up to see Jimin staring down at me before looking back down towards my hands.

"J-Jimin, I....", I started speaking but then couldn't find the right words so just stopped myself. He slowly closed my journal and looked towards me with a curious expression

"So you have feelings for all of us"? I hesitantly nodded my head and let out a breath in fear. I didn't want to lose my job but I'd understand if I did get fired. Before I could start begging for my job I felt a hand on my jaw lifting my head up. Jimin looked into my eyes with a face of seriousness and spoke,

"Thank god I found this out before I did anything", and before I could question him he kissed me. I felt his soft lips press against mine and I immediately melted into the kiss. I felt his hand reach around my waist and pull me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We kissed for a little while longer before I pulled back and took a breath.

"So does this mean...", I said hesitantly. He smiled at me before pressing his forehead against mine and nodding. I sighed in relief and let the tears I've been holding finally fall

" I was so scared you would tell the ceo and I'd be fired and I'd never be able to see you all again.", I sobbed out as I laid my head on his chest trying to hide my face. He put his hand on my head to comfort me and wrapped his arm around my waist tighter before leading us to the bed and sitting down.

"I would have never did anything to make you lose this job, ever. Even if I didn't feel the same way I would have never sabotaged you and this job. I know just how much you love it." He spoke in his soft and soothing voice. I tried cuddling impossibly closer before I gave up and just sat myself on his lap, straddling his thighs and looking at him, us kind of face to face in this position.

"So is it only you who feels things for me or do the others do too?" I questioned quietly, nervous for his response. He cupped my cheek and I leaned into his hold as he quietly said,

"I think they all feel something for you too, not just me". I smiled at his words and sighed,

"I never imagined that this would happen and that you could ever even like me back. That any of you could".

"Well we do, a lot, we just never said anything because we assumed this was all work for you". When he said that, I couldn't help but scoff. I'm always cooking for them and caring about them more than the other mangers care for their groups and they thought this was just a work relationship? Work my ass.

"Of course I wanted to be more with you all, I always went the extra mile when caring for you all, some managers of other groups even questioned me and wondered why I cared so much on whether you all ate or got enough sleep. I cared about those small things because I cared for you guys". Once I finished my slight ramble I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but adoration and maybe love? But before I could say something he beat me to it.

"Let's rest, it's been a long night and it'll be an even longer day tomorrow when we tell the rest of them about you and how you feel towards us". I nodded in agreement before sliding off his lap and crawling up to the head of the bed before laying down.

"Will you stay with me please Jimin?", I questioned him hoping he'd say yes. He smiled and nodded before slipping into bed next to me. When he laid down and put his arm around my waist i felt immediate comfort and safeness and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning:

I woke up to a hand gently playing in my hair while another rubbed up and down my side. I yawned tiredly before stretching out like a cat and turning over to the person touching me with a lazy smile. I felt so happy and and just couldn't contain the giant smile that covered my face.

"Good morning beautiful." Jimin spoke up with his deep morning voice that had a slight rasp to it. I blushed and quietly said good morning before sitting up and sliding out of bed. Thankfully last night when he came in and found my journal, I made him turn away for a second and put on some shorts. I sighed anxiously as I looked through my clothes. I know Jimin said that they all do have feelings for me as well but i was still scared for their reactions. What if they had lost feelings? Or thought I only wanted Jimin since we slept in the same bed last night? I had so many worries that I didn't notice Jimin coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder.

"What's got you so worried baby? You had an anxious look on your face".

"It's nothing I'm just scared to tell the rest of the boys about my feelings. What if they don't like me anymore"? I felt my eyes tearing up and felt his arms leave my waist to turn me towards him. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and said,

" baby they love you so much, romantically and as a friend. Even if they didn't, they would never do anything to hurt you I promise you that". I smiled at his words and thanked him before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Ok now get out so I can change." I said teasingly and he just kissed my cheek and walked out towards his bedroom. I eventually picked an outfit of a baby pink skirt and a white tank top with a baby pink sweater. I pulled on some frilly white socks before walking out my bedroom and towards the living area. In there I found all the members dressed for the day watching a show while eating cereal or eggs or whatever they made for breakfast.

"Oh hey Y/N, I made you pancakes, they're in the kitchen." Jin said as he saw me walk in. I nodded at him but stayed standing in the corridor between the hallway of bedrooms and the living room.

"Is everything okay? You look nervous." Said Hoseok next. I rubbed my hands together nervously before finally opening my mouth and saying,

"I like you all like a lot. More than a manager should like the group she manages...."

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