Chapter 4

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I sighed in nervousness as I waited for their responses to my confession. I felt a person move in front of me and gently wrap their arms around me. I sighed into the embrace and held on tight to the person in front of me.

"We have feelings for you too, thank you for telling us beautiful". I sighed in relief. I already knew they felt something for me but just having the confirmation made it feel more real. I looked up to the person hugging me which turned out to be Namjoon and smiled.

"Thank you guys, for feeling the same way for me as I do for you. I don't know what I would do if you all didn't reciprocate the feeling I have for you". Just thinking about that made me stress so I tried not to and instead tried focusing on my boys. Once we all settled, I went to get the breakfast Jin made for me.

"This is so good Jin you're amazing at cooking!", I expressed whiled devouring my meal. He smiled and expressed his thanks towards me before turning his head back to the tv. When I finished the meal I went to the sink to wash my dish then walked over to the couch. As I was heading to sit next to Jin I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me down onto his lap.

"Just sit here, I know I'm a lot more comfortable anyways", he spoke in that voice that made me fold without fail. I was weak to his charms especially so instead of fighting I just leaned back into him and watched whatever was playing on the screen. As we watched I got more and more bored and when I get bored, I get antsy, I started kicking my legs then sat up and laid back down multiple times. Jin noticed how fidgety I was and asked,

"are you okay baby? You're all fidgety and moving around". I just sighed and said,

"I'm bored but i don't know what to do to fix that". I saw a faint smirk cover his face for a second before he took my hand and walked us to his bedroom.

"Let me show you something that might help". I tilted my head curiously but didn't question him and just kept waking with him. Once we got to his room, he instructed me to sit on his bed while he went to get something. When he came back, he had something interesting in his hand. It was a fidget toy! I loved fidget toys so I was really excited when I saw him walk out with it. He handed it to me and I immediately played with it, too hooked to notice him pulling me down to sit on his lap while he laid down with his arm covering his eyes, his other hand on my thigh rubbing up and down. He sighed before I eventually felt his breath even out and he was asleep. Once I looked away from the fidget, I realized the position we were in and the fact that he was asleep. I pouted because I wanted to play with him and then got the idea to play a slight prank on him. I hurriedly ran to the kitchen and grabbed the whipped cream, ignoring the questions from the boys as I ran back to his room and locked the door. I carefully moved his arm from over his eyes before putting whipped cream on his hand. I gently touched his nose and he squished it like a bunny but didn't move his hand. I did it again and this time his hand splatted against his nose and the whipped cream got all over his face. I bust out laughing and tried to run away but he caught me by the waist and started tickling me. I was dying of laughter and could barely breathe.

"Baby please! I'm sorry have mercy!!", I shouted through laughing tears. Jin just smiled down at me and stopped but before I could react he immediately started rubbing the whipped cream that got on his face into me. I gasped and glared playfully and he just laughed before getting up to go get paper towels. Once he was back he wiped my face down for me then wiped his before sighing and pulling me to lay down in the bed with him.

"Now let's take a nap for real please baby". I giggled but nodded my head because I was feeling sleepy after playing around with him. I cuddled into his chest and sighed at how nice and warm he was before instantly falling asleep.

Later that day:

I sighed as I sat up from laying next to Jin. I didn't see him next to me but heard the shower running so I just assumed he was getting ready for something, but considering today was supposed to be our day off, I was clueless as to what he was getting ready for. I got out of bed and stretched before walking out and into the living room. There I saw only Jungkook sitting on the couch. I smiled before rushing towards him and pouncing onto him into a hug. I heard him grunt before chuckling and wrapping his arms around me. He sighed and kissed the side of my head before pulling back and smiling up at me.

"How was your nap with Jin baby?", he questioned.

"It was nice but I woke up and Jin was in the shower, does he have somewhere to go"? Jungkook thought before shrugging his shoulders signaling he also does not know where Jin is about to go. I decided to just ask him once he got out and focused all my attention on Jungkook. As we talked, I realized I wanted to ask him when he first noticed his feelings for me, so I did.

"I have a question baby, when did you first notice you had feelings for me"?

He blushed before replying, "Well, to be honest I always had an attraction to you but they developed into feelings around a month after you started working here". I blushed and nodded my head at this new information, not knowing what else to say. When things were about to get awkward, Jin walked out. I gave Jungkook a quick kiss to his lips before standing up and walking over to Jin, not noticing the small smile and blush that too over his face after kissing him.

"Jinnnnnn, where are you going? You left me alone in bed". I pouted up at him and he just smiled before kissing my forehead.

"We just started working on a new album baby and I'm one of the producers remember? So I have to go in for a little while to help out. I'll be back soon okay?" I frowned but nodded my head in understanding. Just because we all established feelings for each other doesn't mean we can jut push work aside. I got on my tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss before running away before he could say anything. I heard him mutter about how cute I am before saying bye to Jungkook and walking out the front door. I sighed and walked towards Namjoons' room. I knocked once before opening the door to see him at his desk humming to himself and presumably writing lyrics. I mutter his name to get his attention and he sits up and swivels his chair to face me.

"whats up baby?", he questioned and I shyly stared at him and spoke

"Can we cuddle please"? he smiled at my question but nodded and walked over to me and grabbed my hand then led us to his bed. We laid down and turned on a movie and we both sighed in comfort. I spent the rest of the night cuddled up to Namjoon and watching our favorite movies and videos.

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