Chapter 16

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— Where do I put this? — Vegas asks with two books in hand that he had taken from the table in the corner of the room.

— In the box on the sofa. — Pete responds without looking at Vegas, as he folds his clothes and puts them inside the suitcase.

After finding out that they were going to be parents, the two had a long conversation and decided to officially live together. Only this time it would be in the second family's mansion. At first Pete was reluctant, saying that the place wasn't for him, and that he wouldn't abandon the flowers in his garden, but everything was resolved when Vegas said he would take the entire garden with them. How Theerapanyakul would do this, Pete didn't want to know, the only thing he wanted was that when he looked at the mansion's garden, his beloved flowers were there. And woe betide Vegas if Pete looked out the window and didn't see them.

— Have you told the first family yet? — Pete asks closing the last suitcase.

— Not yet, but I'm sure Tankhun has already taken care of doing that for me. — He rolls his eyes as he leaves the room with another box. — I bet that at some point, your friend shows up here out of nowhere... Speak of the devil. — Vegas says as soon as he sees Porsche going up the steps while Theerapanyakul was going down them. - Why are you here? — He asks even though he already knows the reason for the visit.

— As far as I know, my friend still lives in this house. — He answers while continuing to climb.

— Not for long. — Vegas says when he reaches the last step.

— Idiot.

— Same.

— You two can't see each other. — Pete says leaning on the threshold of the bedroom door. — Apparently the news has already spread.

— How do you get pregnant and not tell your best friend? I felt betrayed. — Porsche makes drama.

— I did not have time. — Shoulders.

— It's been more than a day.

— Just details.

— Do not disturb a pregnant person. — Vegas says, going up the stairs to get the bags that Pete had just finished packing. — It's bad for the baby. — He walks past Pete, sealing his lips.

— He even seems like a good person. — Porsche says with a smirk. — Are you moving?

— No. Pete got tired of living in here and now he's going to stay in the garden keeping his daughters company. —Vegas responds while rolling his eyes.

— Can we have a civilized conversation?

— You can't do that to him. — Vegas says then goes back down to the first floor with two suitcases, one in each hand, followed by his boyfriend and Porsche.

— We decided that it would be safer for me to stay at the second family's house. — Pete goes to the kitchen, he hadn't started tidying that room yet. — I don't want any idiot threatening our family, I know very well how this mafia world can be... Bloody.

— No, no. — Porsche remembers when Pete shot Kinn's father in cold blood, he never thought he would see such a thing, nor that Pete could do something like that. Your friend was like a cute teddy bear, or a bunny that you don't think would hurt anyone, but the day he looked at Pete when he had just shot his father-in-law, he didn't look like a cute little thing anymore, it was as if he had changed from water to wine. And since that day, Porsche has wondered if it was Vegas that transformed him, or if Pete was already like that and he never realized it.

— Where is your shadow? — Pete asks, breaking Porsche out of his thoughts.

— He had to investigate a shipment of weapons at the pier.

Flowers And Death - VegasPete (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now