Chapter 18

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Unknown Number: I will kill your whore and the disgusting worm he carries in his belly.

Unknown Number: You can't keep them.

Unknown Number: This bitch doesn't deserve you.

Unknown Number: He is not worthy.

Unknown Number: When I kill you, you will realize that this was all just a pastime.

Unknown Number: Why aren't you answering my messages??????

Unknown Number: You must be cheating on me with this bum

Vegas wakes up to the insistent noise of notifications. Feeling the weight of Pete's head lying on his arm, Vegas lets out a slight smile, it still seemed like a dream that he was going to be a father, and that now he had someone to live a life by his side. Vegas would no longer be alone. Stroking Pete's hair, Vegas hears that annoying noise again. Reaching out to grab the cell phone before his boyfriend wakes up, Vegas unlocks the device and comes across the same unknown number that was disturbing him with threats against Pete.

Theerapanyakul had a slight feeling of who it could be, but it wasn't anything concrete, as based on the content it could be any of his ex-boyfriends. This was something Vegas was very guilty of. He shouldn't have hung out with so many people, and left most of them alive, now he has one of those sons of bitches who is threatening the most important person in his life.

— What are you doing? — Pete stares at Vegas with his eyes half open and half closed.

— It's nothing, just a meeting notice. Go back to sleep my love. — He locks the cell phone by placing it on the table next to the bed, then kisses Pete's forehead, who closes his eyes again and falls into a deep sleep.

— Don't worry, my love. — He whispers when he realizes that Pete was sleeping. — I won't let anyone hurt you or our son. — Vegas hugs Pete tighter, and goes back to sleep.


— Why did you wake up so early? — Pete asks, coming down the stairs while rubbing his eyes, still a little sleepy.

— I want to sort out a few things before your appointment. — Vegas pulls Pete to sit on his lap. — I don't want to miss the baby's appointment. — He strokes his boyfriend's hair, he was lying with his head on his shoulder.

— I had forgotten. — He speaks through a yawn. — I don't like feeling sleepy.

— Let's talk about this with the doctor. At least your nausea has lessened.

— I said it was the security guards' fault, that perfume they wore was disgusting.

Two days ago, when Pete decided to go out to buy some things at the mall, Vegas ordered him to be accompanied by ten security guards. At first Pete thought this was too much of an exaggeration, but after remembering that a few months ago his boyfriend had bought all the houses on the street where he lived, just to not have anyone unknown who could do any harm to him, Pete no longer called the ten security guards. . And it was on this shopping day that Pete got sick. He felt his stomach turn and without having time to get to the bathroom, he ended up vomiting into one of the plant pots in front of a random store in the mall. When he got home, after almost putting his stomach and other organs out of his body, the first thing Pete did was go talk to Vegas, telling him everything that had happened and he said with conviction that he had thrown up because he smelled the perfume. of the security guards. At first Vegas was going to argue about such a comment, but he remembered that Pete's mood was very unstable, and that he would explode at any little thing. And one thing Vegas didn't want was an angry Pete.

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