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"Fuck" Brandi muttered under her breath as the hair stylist yanked her long blonde hair into a tight bun. Moving to San Francisco only 2 months ago,Brandi had already picked up modelling on the side of her classes at Stanford University. Still she hardly knew anyone and between modeling and classes she didn't have the time for much social interaction anyways. Today's shoot was for a new adidas campaign. As of current the face of adidas was Tashi Duncan, a tennis player at stanford. She was the face of the campaign while Brandi simply modelled a few articles of clothing that Tashi would go on to promote.
       Completely zoned out in the chair while the hair,makeup and clothing stylists fiddled with her for hours, Brandi didn't even notice anyone trying to get her attention. She pulled open her eyes and looked up, greeted by the face of none other than Tashi Duncan.
        "Hey" Tashi remarked almost in a sarcastic tone when Brandi opened her eyes. "You go to stanford right" Tashi said quickly before Brandi even registered the whole interaction thus far.
        "Yea-Yea i do" Brandi stumbled out as she attempted to pull herself into a more upright position in the chair. "Sorry ugh" Brandi mumbled,shaking the sleep from her face before looking up at Tashi again. "It's just relaxing in the chair i guess" Brandi half joked in a sorry attempt to explain her previous zoned out state that Tashi found her in.
          Nodding her head ever so slightly Tashi stared down at Brandi before slipping into the closest makeup chair. "I didn't know you modelled?" Tashi remarked "I mean i had seen you around campus but i had no idea."
         "I mean yea it's relatively new,I just got into it since i moved here"
         "Where did you move here from" Tashi questioned eagerly
          "Nashville actually! I was supposed to go to University of Tennessee but I ended up here somehow so" Brandi nods with a shrug
           "Wow that's uh-"
             " TASHI" Someone yells from the other side of the studio,Tashis head pokes up and she quickly stands from the chair.
            "Sorry i have to..." She trails off while picking up into a sprint to whoever called her
            "Okay yea-uh" Brandi mutters after her before letting out a loud sigh unsure if the whole interaction was normal or immensely awkward.

Brandi finishes the few photos of the few outfits she had to model, she heads over to her bag and begins to pack up before feeling someone lurking over her again.Peeking up she is met with Tashis face about 3 inches from her own.
         "So i'm actually having a little...I don't know if you would call it a party but a celebration for my win yesterday, You should definitely come! all the pictures from the campaign will be there so might as well come and see them"
          A bit shocked Brandi reply's, "I would love to actually,um where is it and when"
         "Tomorrow at 8 and it is at..." She trails off as she rummages through her bag and pulls out a slip of paper. "This address" She hands brandi the slip of paper with a jumbled up address scattered on it.
          "Ok awesome yea i will definitely be there,Thanks" Brandi stumbles out
          "Cool cool well i'll see you tomorrow night" Tashi pauses as she realizes she has no clue the name of the girl she has just invited to her party.She pauses with slightly open mouth as she attempts to recall.
          "Brandi" Brandi says quickly "Brandi Huntington"
           "Yes yes yea uh...okay well see you!" Tashi turns and leaves the studio with Brandi following only a few moment's later.

Self control~Art DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now