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        "God" Brandi groans annoyed.Its the night of Tashis party and all the outfits she had planned to try on just don't look right.She had just tried on the final possible outfit and still it just wasn't right,but seeing as it was her last choice it's what she went with.
        Pulling on her shoes and grabbing her bag she was heading for her car with a few minutes to spare before she was officially late.The address given to her by Tashi proved to be a secluded mansion right on the water.She parked on the street between to two cars while saying a prayer they would be gone before her,by simple glance at the street this party seemed to be a lot bigger than Brandi had previously thought,hundreds of cars lined up and down the street with a few even parked on patches of grass. Brandi slipped out of her car and headed for the yard where the party was, she stepped in and was immediately taken aback by the lack of people she knew there, everybody was a stranger to her.
          She scanned faces for a solid 3 minutes in hopes of anyone approachable. photographers, brand consultants,fancy tennis players but very few university aged people. There were two guys who appeared to be her own age,a brunette and a gorgeous blonde, but they were huddled in by themselves so that knocked them out of the race for possible party buddy's,although she was going to keep her eye on that blonde.
        Eventually Tashi pulled herself away from the dance floor and people begging to take pictures with her, she plopped into a chair and picked up her drink. Before she could even take a sip Brandi had walked over so she could finnally have someone to talk to, but as Brandi ended up in front of Tashi so did the brunette and his pretty blonde friend. Tashi glanced up and flicked her eyes between Brandi and the two boys.
      "Hey brandi" Tashi greeted before turning her attention to the boys, staring at them while she waited for an introduction. The boys exchanged looks before the brunette spoke up.
       "oh yea uh sorry" he stumbled over his words for a moment while the blonde turned to face Brandis way,giving her a almost curious look. "I'm patrick and this is...Art" The brunette stated to Tashi,the blonde turned his head back to Tashi and gave a quick nod before turning back to face Brandi.
       Tashi nodded slightly after patrick stated their names. art art art, Brandi replayed the name of the gorgeous blonde guy,flicking between his messy curls and his awkward stare in her direction before she was pulled back into reality by Tashi speaking.
  "Junior boys doubles at the US open right?" She questioned to them in between sips.
      "Yes yes exactly, thats us" Patrick replied enthusiastic that she had a slight idea of his accomplishment. Oh fuck of course he's a tennis player Brandi thought silently to herself as she began to wonder if she was actually the only non tennis player within a 5 mile radius.
A awkward silence settled over the group for a moment before Tashi turned back to Brandi.
"Well i'm going back to dance" Tashi said while standing from her chair. "come dance with me" She extended her arm out to Brandi and pulled her to the dance floor with her.
Pop music was bumping loudly over the speakers while Tashi threw her hands up in the air and swayed her hips, Brandi stood awkwardly for a few moments before giving in and doing the same as Tashi. She was hyper aware of all the people that could see her right now,she looked around at the crowd and noticed Art and Patrick staring dead at her with smirks on their face.Brandi winced slightly at the thought that they were laughing at her and not with her but out of fear of looking lame she kept dancing anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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