Silver Oak

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     Over the next couple of weeks, the house was absolute chaos. With some of my siblings getting ready to go back to school from their break, and my mother frantically packing all my stuff. She had pestered me a couple times trying to get me to help, but I could care less. "Hey Aspen, I'm sorry it's been a while. I was finally forced to get tested, and it turns out I'm a little. Crazy, isn't it? Though you were right about me getting a type of submissive. Things have been awful around here; Mom and Dad were super disappointed in my test results. Though I think my siblings are trying to be supportive. I actually got into Silver Oak, I really wish you met me. Also, can you believe I'm Bipolar? You probably aren't actually that surprised, you'd probably sit here saying you were having your suspicions. I miss you."

     I sighed as I tapped on the earring, feeling super empty inside. I hated these stupid medications they had me on. Instead of feeling ungodly happy or depressed I just felt so fucking empty, like me life at this point was just playing out in front of me. I look out from my nest of blankets I had built in the corner of my room as I hear the door to my room open. Kye stepped through the door with a bag in his hand sighing as he shuts the door and looks over at me.

     "Come on Dawson you need to get up and get ready to go, we leave in two hours, but I know you're going to need every minute of that time to get ready." I just continue to stare up at him from my abode. "Okay let's start simple like getting dressed? I have something for you once you are all ready to go." I still make no move to get ready. Kye just moves toward me, picking me up he sets me on my bed as I watch him look through the clothing options that hadn't been packed. He chooses out a dark green hoodie with grey sweatpants, and I thank God that he chose to go with comfort over looks. 

     He starts stripping me of the clothes I was already in and redressing me in the ones he picked

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     He starts stripping me of the clothes I was already in and redressing me in the ones he picked. He continued getting me ready running a brush through my hair a couple times, he picked me up and carried me out of my room. I let him recalling that everyone was going to be out of the house until we left. While resting my head in his neck I didn't realize he had brought me into the kitchen until he sat me down on the counter.

     This had been the biggest challenge for him recently, getting me to eat. Nobody except him though and he was starting to get on my nerves about it. "Dawson you have to eat something, you haven't eaten in two days." I shook my head at him trying to get back up into his arms. "I know you don't want to Dawson, but you have to and I will bottle feed you if that is going to be the only way of you eating." I glared at him for even thinking that thought and rapidly shook my head. "Okay, okay, calm down bud. How about something light hmm? Maybe some applesauce?" He pleaded with me. I gave it a little bit of thought and decided to just let him win for today. It was the last time I was going to be seeing him in a while. I gave him a little nod and he did a little victory dance. He picked me back up and I immediately relaxed into him, I wasn't going to lie I liked him carrying me like this, it was probably the only good thing that had come out of that stupid test.

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