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Chapter Three
"Soulmate? Lover? Dad of my kids?"

✧ P R E E T ✧

"Hello, wifey." I furrowed upon hearing this in my sleep. I looked at my phone's screen and it was an unknown number.

"Wrong number." I managed to mumble and hung the call, burring my head in the pillow I tried to sleep again.

The phone's ringtone buzzed in my ear again, I picked it up and said before I could hear anyone else's voice. "Wrong number."

"Preet." The person said.

"She died, yesterday." I cut the call again closing my eyes. My way to heaven was disturbed by a scream.

"Preet," This time it was a girl's voice.

"She died," I replied the same and the very next moment I felt the pillow hitting my face.

"What?" I looked at Neava who had a phone adjusted between her ear and shoulder.

"Your husband is calling." She said and I made a confused face.

"Which husband?" She hit me again with the pillow. I miss my mom. She was as cruel as her but at least she was my mom. This one hits me without any blood relation.

"Do you remember now?" I nodded.

"Deven. What's with him now?" I yawned halfway while saying that sentence. I just want to sleep. I was awake yesterday till two,
overthinking these lies and all.

What if he tells my mother? And our act wasn't even that convincing, these two fucked it up by saying anything stupid.

"He called you three times and each time you hung up saying something stupid. The last one was that you died. So wake up and talk to him, it's urgent." I nodded and she passed me the phone. I yawned again and closed my eyes waiting for him to speak.

"There's a problem." He said and I hummed waiting to hear more about this problem.

"Preet?" He called out my name and I hummed again.

"Yes. I'm there, continue." Neava went away indicating to me something which went above my head.

"Aniketh." He mumbled and paused for a while. "He's my neighbour."

"What does it have to do with me?" I questioned.

"Um, according to him We are married. And married couples do not live separately."

It took me a while to comprehend these words. I let out a scream and laid back on my bed with a thud.

I hate my life more.

I shouldn't have lied to him, this is all karma. I have invited a chain of problems and I fear they are not going to end anytime soon.

"Preet, are you there?" He asked and I wished to throw this phone somewhere. Out of all the places in Toronto, Deven only got the apartment beside Aniketh's.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled.

Way to start a day.

"I'll tell you what happened. I got to my new place and noticed that the house is very cosy and well furnished, it also has this small balcony, you know and there's a bird which comes there-" I interrupted, not wanting to know about his new place or the bird.

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