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Chapter Seven
"I don't want my fake husband dead."

✧ P R E E T ✧

A dinosaur-sized bird started chirping loudly in front of me, stopping me from saving the world. Just when I was about to use my superpowers, he threw his babies...at me? And they all started bickering in my ear.

"Wake up, wifey. I want you to meet a member of the family."

My eyes opened wide and it took me two seconds to register everything. Canada. Aniketh. Fake marriage. Deven. Neighbour. Apartment. Bad water. Couch.

I looked at the ceiling only to get confused. How did I land up on the bed?

As my processor was lagging a little, it took my system two minutes to comprehend his last words. I immediately sat back straight and looked at him with shock.

"Member of your family?" I hope they are not here, there are sufficient problems in my life I don't want more.

"Member of my family." His eyes were directed to the small bird sitting on the back of his palm while he caressed his head. "The birdie I was talking to you about when you asked me to skip the details." He huffed.

"Oh. Okay." I sighed in relief.

"This is our fake kid, Rano." He smiled brightly and the bird looked at him like any bird would.

"Rano? Seriously?" I asked while yawning.

"Yes of course. Rano." He kept tapping the bird's head lightly and the birdie looked like he enjoyed all of this.

"What if it's a boy?" I asked him and the bird turned its head towards me.

"I don't care. It's still Rano. You like your name, right Rano?" The bird now looked like he was done with this and therefore he flew towards me. It was my instinct to get scared by it at first, but when it came and sat right on the top of my head I stood there and fumbled.

"That's a picture-worthy moment. Rano sitting on Rani's head." I cringed at the joke he just made. Why is this man making Dad jokes early morning?

"Get this thing away from my head." The irritation was clear in my voice. Deven however decided to ignore it and I heard snaps of pictures getting clicked while I tried to look at this stupid bird dancing on my head.

I'm too afraid to touch it.

"She is not a thing and she has a name." He replied after casually throwing his bed in the phone. I felt the bird walking on the top of my head and hitting me with its beak.

"Get her off me first."

"Call her by her name and politely." He demanded while putting his hands in his pocket and shrugging. He's enjoying this, the smug on his face tells me that.

"Can you please ask your kid Rano to not think of my head as her playground and take her down, Deven?" I used the sweetest voice possible with a smile pressing down my frustration.

"Our fake kid, fake wifey." He corrected and I nodded softly making sure his Rano didn't fall off. It won't fall of course but suddenly she'll get a shock if I shake my head.

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