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                   🌬️ what was I made for...


He came again. We kiss, hug like everything is okay but it's not. My self respect is degrading,my worth isn't what I think it is. I'm beginning to loose my senses thinking about shit like this.

Does he love me ? Does he care about my well being,it can't be for just the sex . Let's not fool ourselves,I enjoy the sex too so technically we're using each other knowingly.But am I wasting my time.

Two years,yet twice I didn't get a Valentine's gift twice we broke up, twice I was told about commitment issues, twice I was given sweet words in the sense of assurance,yet action wasn't given.
I have my money,I do want his but I just wished he would do things for me without me stressing I didn't want the little gestures,I wanted him.

I want you Damian.I stare at him for a second
" Babe , take care of yourself, when I get back from school I'll call you so we could eat out"
He spoke so nicely. " Bye Priscilla" he walked out with his normal swagger.

"At least he will take you out" she said.

" Sometimes I don't know if he wants me or not, sometimes I don't know if I want him, Priscilla any guy can take me out to eat"

" Chill, he's just stressed maybe you're over thinking things again babygirl "

" I told him I wanted to buy that dress we saw,he didn't send the money till evening,he didn't even send what I asked for, he's not being stingy there's more to this "

" Does he know you're thinking of breaking up with him"

" No he doesn't" I sit on the couch" I love him I don't want to end it "

" But he doesn't want to change,wetin you go do now?"

" Brian has been nice to me,I don't want to lead him on "I bit my finger " I'm starting to fall for him,if Damian finds out about Brain i will be in trouble "

      " But you have to quit Damian as soon as  possible" She gasped

         I stared at the television though my mind wasn't on it. Everything seems so fucked up like,I didn't ask to be confused,I just want to be loved right.



I don't like crowded places.
Especially auditorium, but I didn't have a choice I needed to get a new face ID since I lost mine. I've never been careless with important stuff so I think I probably left it at home,I hope so. Either way I'll still buy a new one.

My faculty officers office was at top floor . Great! I'll have to take the stairs. Apparently the security officer by the gate tolerated me entering without my card for just today, tomorrow I might not be so lucky.
So I have no choice,half way up the stairs I saw something on the floor,it caught my attention loos like mine it had "  L " designed boldly in pink.
My handkerchief,I lost it yesterday when I bumped into that guy ,how did it get here. I bent to pick it up .

" How could you loose the handkerchief,it would have been of use Guy" Voices from up the stairs,I quickly picked it and ran away from the stairs. I would go back later for the ID when people aren't there anymore. I sit on the platform set up by a lecture hall for sitting .

I take out my oats bar and begin to eat. I loved it with milk but buying milk would take me a five minutes walk , the place isn't far I just don't like walking too fast.

I felt footsteps behind me. The hairs on my neck rose.
" Hey ,is this the faculty for. International relations?" A guy spoke .

I turned to the guy and nodded " yes" I recognised him from yesterday.

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