H.I.M .3

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I turned in my bed, side to side. I can't sleep.
Today's event replaying in my head like. He smooched me and I let him, and I can't believe I actually enjoyed it I have never been in such a situation.He looked so hot as he was drunk, I liked it....I liked the bad boy act , it's not even an act he is a bad boy! Dunno about the weed though, isn't that unhealthy.

I licked my lips then bit my lower lip.
He made me so horny,I was this close to letting him .
Please forgive me lord for such illicit thoughts.
I made the sign of the cross.
I need to stop thinking about him like this.
It's slowly becoming an obsession,we just met and I'm already drooling.
What if he's like the rest of his gender, hit and run.
Or he could be a sociopath .

"Leah!" Desmond called me from downstairs" I need help here "
I ran down Desmond was sloppy and drunk. How was he planning on going up the stairs... offcourse he needs me. I chuckled.
" I thought you would spend the night with one of your side chics"
" No...I didn't get her" he stalled.

" You're wasted, goodness and to think you were beginning to change , tomorrow you'll go to church like nothing sap "

"It's a party I .... planned offcourse..." I didn't hear the rest of his words,I helped him up the stairs and up to his room dropped him on his bed.

" Silly boy, when will you grow up and stop chasing after anything that wears a skirt...ehnnn " I gasped then bent to take off his shoes, covered him with the bedcover.

He mumbled something .
I heard it,loud and clear. It was surprising though I wished it hadn't been him that said this

" I saw you with... him,that wasn't a formal acquaintance...he touched you" his eyes were closed. " You looked slutty"

Lying on my bed.

I bit my finger,so Desmond saw us . Was he following me around, gosh it's embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks turning red already .
            I didn't know what to think, like, I didn't want him to feel that way about me. I wanted to tell him I didn't initially plan to meet Damian but I  he was fast asleep. So I left his room quietly, walking down to the guest room. I was thinking about my life. I was always a kind, holy girl. In short, Daddy's girl. Always going everywhere with Daddy. Now I'm turning into something else, and this guy is messing with my head.

I love my  daddy so much, he always made me feel happy even though I lost mom when I was very young. Still, he keeps making me happy and for sure his decision in taking me to this university is not bad because I know that he has a reason for it, though I don't know why . But come to think of it if not for daddy, I wouldn't have met this guy. Honestly, I like him. I like his vibe, but he gives a lot of red flags.
Obvious red flags ,if he calls I'll block him.

                                          *             *            *

    "Desmond, come downstairs!"

I gasped " I'm off to school now. I made you breakfast"

" The Fuck Lee , you going?" He screamed " it's Sunday"

" I have an appointment"

Of course  I just didn't want to see his face this morning. Knowing very well he saw what happened yesterday. So I ran off. Drove off in my car. I arrived at my apartment at 10 a.m. Everything seemed normal. I made sure I took breakfast before leaving Desmond's house soon. I'll just take a nap.

My phone beeped before I could even close my eyes.

A text message.
Pictures of me being hauled by that fool ,we looked like we were fucking, though our clothes were on,I didn't hold this guy like that yesterday. This  photos are  shopped!
Who the hell sent this. I read the text attached to the message.

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