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We arrived a familiar neighbourhood.
I sat at the back of Damian's range.
Feeling dejected . It's like they forgot I was behind them .
We were all quiet until Ash said something in Yoruba.

Damian is Yoruba.
I chuckle, anyone  woken up from the dead could tell it was Yoruba.

Yoruba demon....

Where does he even get his money from,he has three cars.
Including a Tesla.

A friggin dream car ...
Daddy can afford it though he promised me a customised purple Tesla before I go abroad. Sheesh...

Funny, he's just a student.
He hasn't told me much about himself though.
His parents must be freaking rich.
At least he's not after my money,he probably doesn't know I'm a ministers daughter, though I do want to tell him.
That's going to be when I give him my trust for now.
I need to be alert.

He looked so at ease driving, healthy!
I stared at him . He's so fresh like babies nyash.
I wish I could lick his face.

Babies nyash....

I giggled out loud.

He turned to look at me, arching a brow?

I made a straight face and looked away. He turned back to look at the house we stopped at.

He's so annoying. Why isn't he talking to me?

He exchanged words with Ash in Yoruba.
Seriously what are they talking about.

" Baby girl stay in the car, we'll be back"

" You can't leave me alone in the car" I gasped.

" It's not safe, this guy could be dangerous "

" It's a guy, do you know how he looks like at least?"I asked

" I just have GPS location " Ash shrugged


" Stay here!" Damian gave me a serious look.

I hissed grudgingly and turned away from them.

They just left like I didn't exist. I mean I hissed alright.

I fumed then watched as they snuck to the house.

Please be safe.....



That girl....

She surely knows how to make a man obsessed.

Ash knocked on the door.

Not long after the door knob creeked,I raised my gun.

The girl screamed,wait girl screamed...Sharon screamed.

" What are you doing here?" I looked her over she looked unkempt more like freshly fucked.

Ash pointed his gun at the creep, I always knew he was up to no good,I never liked him I don't know what Leah saw in him.

The funny thing is that my girlfriend is cheating on me with him.

I chuckled, pointing the gun at them both.
I said calmly" both of you,sit!"

I'm not angry, not hurt. But really shocked.

They sat on the floor.

" Explain this" I glared at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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