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"Char!" Charizard roars, spreading its wings, while outside the Wedgehurst Train Station.

"It's soooo cool!" three women say in unison, while lending close to Charizard.

"And so powerful!" a man flexes his arm.

"Char!" Charizard smiles.

"You're such a showoff, Charizard," Leon smiles, causing Charizard to look at its Trainer.

"Like you're one to talk."

Leon turns to see approaching him is Sonia, Yamper, Glory, and Castera, "Hey, Sonia, what can I say, people keep on asking to see my partner. Besides, Charizard loves the attention."

Sonia crosses her arms, "I'm sure he's not the only one."

"Yamp! Yamp!"

"Char, Char," Charizard laughs.

"Anyway," Leon places a hand on Charizard's shoulder. "I thought you were walking the kids to the Train Station."

"They fell behind becauses Glory overpacked her daughter's backpack," Castera explains.

Glory holds a finger to her chin, "I don't think I packed it that much."

Further behind the group, comes Gloria, wearing a large, stuffed backpack, with her lending backward and having trouble walking, as Mairin  and Hop are pushing her from behind.

Shortly later, Gloria drops hee smaller backpack onto the ground, as Leon stands behind her, arms crossed.

"There, all the young and upcoming Trainer needs: Poké Balls, Potions, collapsible tent..." Leon says.

"Although maybe you should still bring 890 change of clothes," Glory suggests.

"There aren't that many days in a year," Sonia comments, with a sweat drop.

"He'll be fine, they all will," Leon says, as Mairin puts her backpack on.

"Thanks, Mr. Leon," Mairin  says.

"I told you, Mairin, just call me Leon."

"Char, Char."

"Hum, Leon, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Alain finishes laughing when he notices Mairin and Leon walking over to the side.

"Leon, I was wondering..." Mairin  starts, as Leon watches with his hands on his hips. "Why... why didn't you give me an endorsement too?"

"You wanted an endorsement too?" Leon asks.

"Yesterday, you said you were impressed by all three of us, but you didn't give me an endorsement," Mairin  says. "So I was wondering..." She looks away, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Mairin , it really is," Leon rubs the back of his head. "And I do have a reason to why I didn't give you an endorsement."

Mairin looks up at him.

Leon sighs, "But what you need to worry about is, what do you really want."

"I-I don't understand..." Mairin starts.

Alain walks over to the two, "The train gets ready to leave, we should hurry and get on."

"Oh, hum," Mairin  looks to Leon, then back to her friend. "Right."

Mairin rugs on her backpack and quickly follows after Alain, with  Leon watching her.

Leon sighs, "If only we can tell her why she hadn't been given an endorsement."

"Trust me, I know, but I'm afraid this is something Mairin  has to figure out on her own," Sonia says.

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