Galar mines

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Alain and Mairin are walking through the mine, lighted by hanging lamps and crystals embedded in the walls, with Alain glancing at the cart tracks they are walking over.

"You sure it's okay we're going through here, could we get in someone's way?" Alain asks.

"I told you it's the only path to Turffield," Mairin spins around, and starts walking backward as she faces her friend. "So people, especially Gym Challengers, probably come through here everyday. Besides, we hadn't heard or seen anything, so there's no one here anyway."

Mairin spins back around, when suddenly several Woobat flies toward, causing Mairin to scream and ducks down as the Woobat flies pass her, with Alain sidestepping them.

As the Woobat disappears down the mine, Mairin stands back up and sighs, "Then again, I could be wrong..."

Alain smiles, when he starts to hear a weird rolling noise, causing him to look ahead, "What's that noise?"

Mairin looks in the same direction, as the rolling noise seems to get louder in the darkness, "It must be a minecart."

The two Trainers continue to watch the darkness, as a shape starts to form, with Alain saying, "I don't think that's a minecart..."

As they continue to watch, coming out the darkness is a Carkol, riding the cart tracks, rapidly, "Kol! Kol!"

"No not a minecart!" Mairin yells, as both look on, frightful.

The two trainers start to run in the opposite direction, with the Carkol several feet behind them, "Kol! Kol!"

Alain's Rotom Phone flies up and stays in the air in front of its owner, as he continues to run, "Carkol, the Coal Pokémon, by rapidly rolling its legs, it can travel at over 18 mph. The temperature of the flames it breathes exceeds 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit."

"That is not useful information right now!" Mairin yells, midrun, as she looks over to Alain and his Rotom Phone.

Alain grabs the Rotom Phone out of the air, while still running, "Mairin, Carkol is a Rock and Fire type."

Mairin spins around, as she swings and throws a Poké Ball, "Right, Sobble, use Water Gun!"

"Sobbl!" Sobble appears from red energy and then fires a water stream from its mouth, hitting Carkol, which doesn't stop and keeps on going. "Sobbl..." Sobble, keeps on shoot the water stream, looks on with a scared expression and a sweat drop.

In a moment's flash, Mairin runs ahead with Sobble, who had stopped its attack, in her arms, with Carkol behind them, "It build up too momentum to be stopped!"

Alain, midrun, looks ahead to notice another path leading to the right, a second set of tracks split off from the first down that path, "That our chance!"

Without stopping, Alain and Mairin, with Sobble in Mairin's arms, run down the second path, stopping with both Trainers breathing deeply as they catch their breaths.

"Kol! Kol!" Carkol lends to the right, as its right legs roll continuing while moving over to the second set of tracks, before landing its left legs on the tracks, without stopping or slowing. "Kol! Kol!'

Alain and Mairin, holding Sobble, continue running down the mine.

"It just changed tracks!" Mairin yells.

After running for several more minutes, Alain notices another split, leading to the left, "There's another split."

"What the point, Carkol will just change tracks again," Mairin says.

"Sobbl," Sobble points ahead, causing the Trainers, still running, to look ahead to a mine worker.

"Don't stop, keep on running straight!" the worker instructs, before he throws a Poké Ball. "Go, Rolycoly, use Rapid Spin!"

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