Gallar Opening Cermony

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"We are here!" Hop yells, with his arms raised high, several steps into Motostoke, with Gloria behind him.

"How did I know he's going to do that?" Gloria wonders, with a hand on her waist.

"Alright, now," Hop, with one hand on his other shoulder, spins his arm around. "Onward to the opening ceremony!"

Hop starts to run ahead, but is stopped by Gloria holding onto the back of his shirt, with Hop running in pace, "Hold it there, future champion-man, the opening ceremony is in five hours."

Without skipping a beat, Hop stands in the same spot, while rubbing the back of his head, "I knew that..."

Gloria sighs, "Sure you did."

"We probably should check into the hotel," Mairin suggests, as she and Alain walks up.

"Right, isn't it called the Budew Drop Inn?" Gloria looks over her shoulder at Jessi.

"Yeah..." Mairin holds up herRotom Phone. "According to the map, it's on the upper tier."

"Upper tier? So that means..." Gloria looks back ahead, with Hop turning around, as they see the large lift rising up to the upper tier of the city. "We're going up."

"Right to the top!" Hop punches a fist into the air. "Just like I'll be at the top of the Galar League!"

"No one can say you lack confidence," Gloria says, with Mairin nodding her head.

After a few minutes, Alain, Mairin, Gloria, and Hop are on the lift, as it starts to raise up.

Gloria holds out a Poké Ball, before looking over to Mairin and Hop, who both are holding out two Poké Balls, with they all sharing a smile.

Red energy shoots onto the lift's guardrail, forming Scorbunny, who immediately becomes amazed at the sight of Motostoke's lower tier and the sun in the distance, before looks over to Gloria, with them both smiling and then continues to watch the scenery. At the same time, Mairin is holding Sobble, with Umbreon on the guardrail, and Hop standing next to Wooloo, who has Grookey standing on its fur, all of whom are also watching the scenery.

Shortly later, Hop is leading Alain, Mairin and Gloria down the street, "Coming thru, the future Galar Champion!"

"Hop, people are starting to stare," Gloria complains.

Unawaren to the three Trainers, a Morpeko stands around a corner, tilting its head, "Morpe?"

The Morpeko's Trainer stands next to the corner, while she's covered in shadows, "Are those Gym Challengers?"

Hop, Alain, Mairin, and Gloria are entering the Budew Drop Inn to find a large group of people, all dressed in the same outfits, with some of them holding megaphones, as they stand in front of people in the lobby.

One of the guys yell, "C'mon, why aren't you cheering!"

One of the girls yell, "Yeah, the best of the best Gym Challengers is coming here!"

"So let's hear you cheer!" the guy yells.

"With all of your voice!" the girl yells.

"What's going on?" Gloria asks.

Hop smiles, "Isn't it obvious, they heard that the future Galar League Champion is here."

The people in the same clothes stop, with the guy asking, "What did you say...?"

Jessi reaches out to her friend slightly, "Hum, Hop..."

Hop holds his arms behind his head, still smiling, "I said I'm the future Galar League Champion."

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