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It was the day before Steve's 21st birthday, and he wasn't even close to being happy about it. He had no reason to be sad, though. He had all of his friends, a good paying job, a boyfriend, and a nice house. However, other people in his life made him miserable and he simply couldn't deal with it anymore.

Billy Hargrove continued to try and sexually assault him, and he did get what he wanted quite a few times. Steve always got drunk at school parties and stuff, so Billy took that as an opportunity to assault him. His parents came home from their business trip and won't leave him alone about being gay and dropping out of college. His ex-best friend, Tommy, has been bullying him on social media and just straight up harrasing him whenever they found him. He broke his nose and his wrist once after Steve accidently made his girlfriend Carol cry.

Despite all of that his boyfriend Eddie still tried helping him with his depression as much as he could. He took him to therapy and stayed with him pretty much everyday. He just didn't feel loved and he hated feeling like he had to rely on everyone to feel normal. He hated that Eddie had to care for him, Steve was an adult and he felt that he should be able to do it himself.

Steve let out a sharp sigh and wiped his eyes because of the tears that were swelling up. He took out a pen from his drawer and a notebook and began to write.

"Dear Eddie,

If you're reading this I'm already dead. I can't bare feeling like this. I told you I would never even think about hurting or killing myself but it's become too much. Way too much. I hope you won't hate me after this. Please tell Robin that I'm sorry about everything and that I hope she won't be mad at me either.

That isn't the point of this letter though. The point is that I am really grateful for you. Everything you've done for me, it means a lot. I know I haven't shown it and sadly I never will. But please know that I do love you and I am so glad ton of called you a boyfriend. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me in my shitty life.

I love you.
Signed, Steve Harrington.

Steve clicked the top of his pen and shoved both of the things back into his drawer. He got up and slipped on his white tennis shoes, reeboks to be exact. He pulled a shirt over his head and walked down stairs. "Hey baby. I'm gonna go get some dinner for us, alright?" Eddie was in the living room watching TV. He quickly looked back at Steve when he heard his voice and he nodded. "Alright, be careful birthday boy." Steve laughed and blew him a kiss before he walked out of the front door.

He got into the drivers seat of his car and turned the key into the keyhole, the engine of his car roaring for a few seconds as it turned on. He pulled out of the driveway and drove to Walmart, it was down the street so it wouldn't be super suspicious that he would be gone for so long. He parked and then walked inside. He grabbed a box of cookies and then a frozen pizza for himself and Eddie. Once he got the food that he wanted he went into the back and got bullets for a shotgun.

He walked all the way back to the front and cleared his throat. The cashier glared at him slightly when she saw the bullets but he hoped she didn't say anything- and she didn't. "Thanks." He said as he payed and he happily walked out of the store. When he got back to his car he shoved the bullets under the front seat and then put the other bags in the front seat. He got in the drivers seat and drove back to his house.

Eddie ran outside to meet him when he heard his car pull up, and he brought Steve into a big hug. "i missed you" Eddie laughed and kissed him. "Baby I've only been gone for 20 minutes." Steve said and smiled softly as he handed Eddie the grocery bags. "I know. 20 minutes toooo long. Now let's go eat!!" Eddie exclaimed and ran inside with the bags. Steve smiled softly and walked inside after him, sitting down at the dining table. Eddie got a cookie for himself and then for Steve and put the pizza in the oven.

"Your lucky I didn't know you were going to get sweets, because myyy rules is that you can't eat sweets on the day before your birthday." Eddie teased and sat down next to Steve with a huge grin on his face as he handed Steve a cookie. "I know but I was hungry, and besides we do have to wait for the pizza to get out of the oven so why not make this an appetizer?" Steve shrugged and ate the cookie.

"Hmmm. Your right." Eddie laughed and leaned his head against Steve's shoulder gently. Eddie felt that Steve was acting off. He never bought sweets, even if it was his birthday or not. And he was acting happier than usual. Which was obviously good but not good for someone who's been suicidal ever since the two met. "Steeeve, you know I love you don't you sweetheart?" Eddie grinned and Steve nodded. "Yeah I know." Steve picked at the sprinkles on his cookie as he spoke and he cleared his throat.

"Do you know how much I love you though?" Eddie hummed and kissed his cheek. "A lot?" Steve said and leaned his head against him a bit. "Yeah. A lot, too much to even measure." Steve smiled and bit the inside of his cheek. "I love you too." He said simply and finished his cookie. "You know- I'm not really hungry for pizza. I'm just gonna go to bed. I need rest for tomorrow anyways." Steve smiled and kissed him. "Oh- alright baby. I'm not gonna eat it all so I'll put the leftovers in the fridge." Eddie hummed and Steve walked upstairs into his room.

He closed his bedroom door and locked it and then lied down on his bed. He really didn't know if this was a good idea, but he couldn't take the endless amount of shit that his body decided to think about everyday. He felt like nobody really enjoyed his comany, no matter how many times he has been told that they do, and he felt like everyone was simply tired of him. He had so many feelings going on that he didn't know which ones to believe. He sighed softly and curled up into a ball on his bed and pulled his blanket over him before he drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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