Chapter 15: Opportunity Cost

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Notes: Alright everyone, here's a new chapter! I know that there was a longer gap between chapters this time, but part of the reason for that is because there is additional content! I went on ahead and wrote that prologue and you can find it on Chapter 1's page! Note Chapter 1 had some minor changes made to accommodate the prologue, including a change in title. I also decided to change the story description. I hope you enjoy both the prologue and the new chapter. Thank you all as always for reading!

"I can't believe this..." Once-ler stated in shock as he sat down on his couch.

"I know!" Isabella exclaimed excitedly as she sat down next to him. "I can't believe it either! This is incredible!"

Once-ler wanted to share his mother's enthusiasm, but whenever he said 'I can't believe this', he really meant it. Once-ler was still confused about what was actually happening. Despite the seemingly good news, he still had trouble believing that his mother would act like this after everything that happened the day before. There were certain details that didn't add up.

"How did you find out about this?" Once-ler asked cautiously.

"The sales manager called and told me the news." Isabella explained. "She told me she tried to get in touch with you first, but you didn't answer the phone. So I tried calling you again, and you still didn't pick up. I started getting worried, so I came over to check on you and tell you myself. I went past the thneed counter on the way to the penthouse and I saw it there too. Half a million thneeds and still going!" she smiled.

Once-ler became startled when he heard his mother speak that last sentence. If the events of yesterday had actually occurred and the power had really gone out, the thneed counter shouldn't have been working. Once-ler became more afraid as he tried to make sense of it all. Had the events of yesterday been a nightmare? Or was what he was experiencing right now another illusion?

Isabella noticed her son's distress and confusion. "Oh, you don't know about that either," she remarked. "The power came back on around half an hour ago. The electric company tried to call you and let you know, but you didn't answer them either."

Once-ler's eyes widened in astonishment. Things were finally starting to make sense, but he still had questions. "How did they fix it so quickly?" he asked

"Well, the electric company knew that it was important to get Thneed inc. back up and running as soon as possible. It's one of Greenville's most profitable companies, after all." Isabella explained with a hint of pride in her voice. "So they brought several workers over here and had them work overnight to replace the electrical panel and get the power back on." Her tone then changed to one of annoyance as she continued to explain. "Unfortunately, they couldn't restore the electricity until well into the afternoon, so we couldn't start production back up today, but we'll be able to resume operations tomorrow. I already called the chief operating officer and the head of manufacturing. They're downstairs making sure that everything is set up and ready to go."

"Really? That's amazing!" Once-ler exclaimed in surprise and relief.

"Yes son, You were very lucky that this time the problem was resolved relatively quickly..." Isabella told her son with a stern glare as her tone turned colder "...but we have to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again."

"Yes Mom, I'm really sorry." Once-ler apologized as he shrunk under her gaze.

"I know you are son," his mother replied, her tone still stern, "But right now we need to leave this incident behind us and focus on the future of the company." Isabella smiled again. "Half a million thneeds sold in less than a year is a huge milestone, and we're going to have to celebrate!"

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