2. The Date

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"Hola, Umberto." Leonor had just awoken when Umberto called her on Friday.
"Oppenheimer is only available on Saturdays and Sundays at 19.40 at Yelmo Cines. How about it?"
"Not Sunday. "You are returning to London this Sunday."
"That means Saturday, right?"
"But it's definitely busy on Saturday night. Huh."
Umberto felt really stupid. Of course, the Princess's security and privacy are the most important concerns.
"Then I will select the more private VVIP seat. How about it?"
"Yes, but what about the way to the cinema? Hmmm... Oh, I have an idea. Let's just meet in front of the studio. We don't need the same car. Wear a mask and sunglasses. I will be accompanied by Alba and Rodrigo."
"Who are they? Want a double date? Haha."
"My new bodyguards. Maybe you don't know yet. Paco retired in August and was replaced by Rodrigo. And Papa asked to add more because I had started military training, so he added Alba."
"OK, I agree. Do I need to book tickets for both of them? No, I'm kidding."
"They will stand guard in front of the studio."
Umberto has long been aware of the Leonor family's security system. Ever since his childhood, King Felipe (who was still called Prince) would always come home with his bodyguards. Even when Leonor and Sofia were born, they played together like siblings. However, as security is more assured at the royal family's home at Zarzuela Palace, this is primarily done there.


19.30 Madrid Time
"Lo siento mucho. I am sorry. I'm almost late." Leonor ran until her blue scarf swung back and forth.
"Not yet. We still have 10 minutes. Come in. Here is your ticket." Umberto was relieved when the Princess finally arrived. Two people wearing glasses and masks were seen walking closely behind Leonor. Umberto assumed it was Rodrigo and Alba.

In the film studio, they removed their masks and sunglasses. The temperature outside is three degrees Celsius. It was quite cold in Madrid in early November. However, the temperature inside the studio is quite warm. They started talking while they waited for the film to begin.

"May I ask you? Why did you choose to watch Oppenheimer?" Umberto tried to start the conversation.
"Because I'm a Christopher Nolan fan. Since Interstellar!"
"But Interstellar was released in 2014. How old were you back then, Leonor? 9 years old?"
"Nooooo. If I'm not mistaken, I watched it in 2017. I was 12 years old at that time. The age rating was ok. I don't know, I love everything 'bout science. The idea about wormholes, black holes, and..."
"Shhh... The film is about to start"

 The film is about to start"

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Two hours later, the young couple exited the cinema. Of course they put on their "masks" again.
"Are you hungry?"
"Yes, do you want to eat? But not in a restaurant. We can't eat with masks on, Umberto."
"How about just coming to my place? I can cook."
"With your parents? I'm not sure this is the right time to meet Uncle Konstantin and Aunt Maria."
"Nooo. Ah I haven't said it yet. My parents have a new apartment. Actually it was for Sofia. But she is still in France now. We can go there. I went there this morning."
"Hmm... OK, Umberto. But can you really cook?"
"Why? I have been living alone in London for two years. Do you think I always order fish and chips? Of course, sometimes I cook for myself."

Princess Leonor : The Fleur de Lys and The Lion (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now