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cordelia was confused. very confused. she'd woken up in a strange place, with strange people, told them she was the daughter of some hypnos, put a bunch of people to sleep - which, for the record, she had no clue how - passed out, and they'd all acted like it was pretty normal. wait, was it normal?  

her brain felt sluggish, and there was a twitch in her left eyelid. the ceiling of the infirmary she was in was bare wood, with beams and specks of - red paint? she also felt like she'd just woken up from a fifty year sleep. and apparently, that did not feel good. 

of course, there was the subject of her memories. all she knew was that she was cordelia evans, a 15 year old daughter of hypnos, and she had no idea how she even knew that. but her memories weren't exactly gone, just hidden, as if somebody had reached out and squished them in the furthest corner of her subconscious. 

definitely not the best feeling, though at least she knew they were there, but even thinking about it spawned a headache so bad it was verging on a migraine. pro tip: don't lose your memories. 

the sun was beginning to set, the sky outside the infirmary's window a pale orange. a pine tree stood tall in the distance, on a gentle hill. it was definitely a good view, but cordelia had been awake for ages, and the room was getting boring. 

a shuffling noise came from the bed beside hers, and cordelia looked over with a small smile when she saw piper waking up. gods, she really wished she understood how she knew her name. the red-headed girl by her bedside sat up straighter. 

her name was rachel elizabeth dare, and she'd introduced herself when they brought piper in, unconscious. apparently, there had been some voodoo, possession, prophecy stuff and rachel had freaked her out. the older girl was obviously feeling guilty, but was doing a decent job of hiding it. 

"how are you feeling?" piper was looking all around the room, as if she hadn't heard the red-heads question. she seemed to be frantically trying to figure out where she was, but the effort to keep her head up seemed to be too much. rachel reached out and propped her up better on some pillows. 

"where-" her voice died quickly when piper spotted the guy at the door. 

argus looked like a typical california surfer dude - buff and tan, blond hair, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. but he had hundreds of blue eyes all over his body - along his arms, down his legs, and all over his face. even his feet had eyes, peering up at the ceiling from between the straps of his sandals.

"that's argus." rachel said. "our head of security. he's just keeping an eye on things... so to speak."

argus nodded. the eye on his chin winked.

"where-?" piper tried to speak again, but she was obviously struggling to get the words out. luckily, rachel understood.

"you're in the infirmary." rachel answered the question the girl hadn't been able to form. "we brought you here when you collapsed."

something registered in piper's eyes. "you grabbed me. hera's voice-"

"i'm so sorry about that." rachel said. "believe me, it was not my idea to get possessed. chiron healed you with some nectar-"


"the drink of the gods. in small amounts, it heals demigods, if it doesn't - ah - burn you to ashes."

"oh. fun." piper's tone of voice had cordelia fighting back a snort, but the conversation was getting interesting, and she didn't want them to stop because of her. even if that sounded incredibly nosy. 

the prophecy | leo valdezWhere stories live. Discover now