Hide and Seek

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Narcissa and Lucius had gone for a walk on the grounds and left Zedd in charge .

Aster was busy reading a book with Aria and Draco was practicing basic spells .

"What should we do" asked Zedd as he stared out of Asters window , clearly bored.

Draco simply shrugged

"We could play a game" said Aria as she looked up from the book.

"Yeah , we should play something !" Aster said happily as he bounced up from his chair.

"How about tig? Said Draco

"No, we'll get told off for running around " said Zedd bluntly .

" What about a fashion show ?" Said Aria happily with a big grin on her face .

"No way " said Aster and Zedd at the same time .

"Fine" said Aria coldly

"What about hide and seek? " said Draco as he turned a trophy into a bar of gold.

"Yeah! " replied Aria .

"Sure " said Zedd calmly .

They all stood up and went outside the room and into the hallway.

"Remember" said Aster " I'll count first and who ever is last to be found is on for the next round . No hiding in the attic or basement and finally , if we can't find you after 20 minutes then come out . And no changing spots , especially you Ari"

Aria giggled and the game began .

"Go" shouted Zedd as he covered his eyes and began counting

Aster ran to his father's office and hid behind his armchair . He turned off the lights and sat down .

Draco and Aria decided to hide together. They ran to their parents walk in wardrobe and hid behind the clothes hung up on rails . Draco was hidden behind Lucius's suits and Aria was snuggled behind Narcissa's fluffy coats . They both smiled at eachother and covered themselves in clothes .

Zedd shouted " Ready or not ,Here I come!" And began to look in every room.

Narcissa and Lucius had entered from their walk and noticed the manor was unusually quiet. Lucius noticed Zedd appeared like he'd lost something and went up to him.

"What are you looking for " Lucius said optimistically as he stared at Zedd

"Oh hi father , We're playing hide and seek " he said as he continued looking behind the chairs in the entrance hall.

Lucius nodded and told Narcissa what he was doing, she nodded and smiled.

15 minutes later and Zedd finally found someone. He noticed Asters foot sticking out behind the chair in the study and crept up on him.

"Boo!" He shouted

"Merlin's Beard!" said Aster as he jumped

"Just need to find Aria and Draco now" Zedd told Aster

" Have you checked the place Aria always hides ?" Said Aster

"Yes and for once she wasn't hidden underneath her bed." Said Zedd slightly frustrated.

They carried on looking for them.

Meanwhile Draco and aria were getting increasingly more tired . Draco has positioned himself nicely on the soft ironed suits and had drifted into a peaceful sleep. Aria had snuggled herself on top and underneath a fluffy evening coat and had also fell into a dreamy slumber , both oblivious to Zedd and Aster who were calling their names .

"Come out Draco you've won ! " shouted Aster

"Ari , you've won, come out now ! " shouted Zedd for the seventh time

"Where are they" said Aster worriedly

The twins went into the sitting room to find their parents .

"Mother , father , you don't happen to know where Ari and Dray are , do you.?" Said Zedd

"No darling , why? " said Narcissa calmly

"Because they've been hiding for an hour now and we can't find them anywhere ! " said Aster annoyed

"Me and your father will help " Narcissa said with a smile as she stood up from her seat.

Lucius also stood up and sighed slightly .

They all walked upstairs and searched each room thoroughly.

Eventually they made it to the master bedroom and began to look. Zedd was about to leave until he heard quiet gentle breathing sounds coming from the walk in wardrobe .

He smirked and summoned Aster and his parents .

Lucius pressed his ear against the door and also smirked

Aster pushed the door open and switched on the light . But to their surprise they couldn't find them.

Narcissa knelt down next to the rails and moved aside Lucius suits and saw Draco wrapped up in suits and snoring away quietly . She smiled and chuckled to herself .

"Found him" she whispered .

"What about Ari" said Zedd as he rummaged through the rest of the suits .

Narcissa looked at the fluffy coats behind her and chucked .

"If Ari's hidden anywhere in here then she'll be with the snuggliest item of clothing " Narcissa said whilst smiling .

She moved the coats to the side and frowned when she couldn't see her daughter .

Lucius then knelt down beside her and picked up a fluffy coat on the floor behind the rails. There they saw Aria lying fast asleep with her arms above her head .

"Found her" Lucius whispered as he kissed his wife

Zedd and Aster smiled at eachother and shook Draco in attempt to wake him up.

Draco groaned and sat up , eyes half open .

"Morning Draco " said Lucius with a smile as he helped his son out the piles of suits.

Zedd then went to help his mother wake Aria.
She took more effort to wake up but eventually she sat up slowly , with the help of Narcissa .

Aria did a massive yawn and rubbed her eyes.

"Did I win "she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around her mother and rested her head on her chest as she closed her eyes once more.

"You did darling " Narcissa whispered into her ear.

"So who wants to be on next !" Aster said with a smirk

They all laughed and decided to never play hide and seek again until Draco and Aria lost their habit to sleep anywhere and everywhere !

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