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The Malfoy manor stood tall against the dark woods . It's obsidian turrets guarding the peaceful sleepers within .

Little did the Malfoy's know that as they drifted into a deep slumber , their youngest was fighting for her life .

Aria tossed and turned as she clenched her stomach . She was boiling hot and had created a sweat patch around her bed . She was trapped in a deep painful sleep . Her head rang and ears ached . Her breath quickened and her temperature increased vastly .

Draco slowly stirred to the sound of heavy breathing and occasional shouts . He quickly jumped out of bed and walked to Arias door . He opened the door slightly and watched as Aria turned aggressively on the bed and shouted . He gasped and ran down the hall .

Draco ran to his parent's room and opened the door . He walked round to his mother's side of the bed and gently tapped her shoulder .

"Mother , mum! " he said loudly .

Narcissa woke up and sat up slowly .

"Draco darling what's wrong " she said calmly as she stroked his cheek.

"It's Aria , I don't think she's well. She's tossing and turning and breathing heavily and she's shouting in pain . I think she might have the fever again " Draco said between breaths .

Narcissa nodded and got out of bed . Lucius woke up and grunted .

"What on earth is going on Draco " asked Lucius as he pulled of his silk eye mask .

"I think Arias not very well " said Draco worriedly

"Don't worry Dray , I'll go check on her now" said
Narcissa as she grabbed her wand .

She rushed down the hallway and walked into Arias room . She turned the light on and stopped as she took in the sight of her daughter .

Her duvet was pushed to the bottom of her bed and a circle of sweat surrounded her petite body . Her legs were tucked up to her torso as she clenched her stomach firmly . Every few seconds Aria would turn and make a sound of pain . She was coughing none stop now , a sharp hoarse cough .

Narcissa watched as her daughter struggled to breath between each cough .

"Lucius , call Saint Mungo's now !" Shouted Narcissa as she rushed to her daughter's side .

She placed her hand on Arias forehead and she was burning hot .

Draco came in the room and looked at Aria nervously .

"Draco , go wake up Zedd and Aster and wait near the fireplace " said Narcissa as she helped Aria sit up .

Draco nodded and rushed out

"Aria , wake up darling . Come on , it's ok " whispered Narcissa softly as she rubbed Arias back as she continued coughing

Aria woke up and began to breathe heavily .

"Mummy " she whispered as she began to cry .

"It's ok , I'm here " said Narcissa softly as she hugged her tightly

"It hurts so much " cried Aria

"I know , we're going to go visit some people who will make you feel better baby " said Narcissa as she picked up Aria .

Aria clung to her mother and cried on her shoulder .

"My stomach " she cried out as Narcissa carried her downstairs

"Shhh shh " Narcissa hummed as she stroked Arias hair .

Her cries and screams had become more fluent as her cough worsened .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2024 ⏰

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