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The Malfoy's had been invited to the ministry of magic's annual Christmas party. It was currently a few hours before they needed to arrive .

Narcissa placed her children's outfits on her bed and made sure everything was perfect . She'd chosen a dark black suit with dark polished shoes for the twins to match lucius's black suit. A dark green suit with gold buttons and white polished shoes for Draco and a short dark green, slightly puffy dress for Aria with white dress shoes. Narcissa was wearing the same dress as Aria but a bigger version and with white heels .

"Zedd, Aster, Dray , Ari  , come get your clothes , it's time to get ready now" shouted Narcissa as she added a few final decorations to the outfits .

Lucius walked in and nodded in approval of the outfits laid down on the bed.

Aster was the first to arrive and Narcissa handed him his suit promptly.

"Use a neatening spell on your  hair once you're dressed, I don't want to see any stray hairs " she said as she stroked his messy head of blonde hair .

Zedd then arrived and got handed his suit.

"Don't forget to tie your shoes properly, I don't want to see any laces flying around when the minister arrives" she said sternly with a slight smile. Zedd nodded and walked off.

Draco and Aria arrived together running . As they entered the room they were panting and red faced .

"Sorry we're late mummy" said Aria with big breaths in between "we were playing outside and didn't hear you call "

"It's alright darling , now come get your outfits and get changed " Narcissa said with a smile as she handed her two youngest their clothes .

"Draco , remember to do the buttons up and tidy up your hair , if you need help then come to me" Narcissa said as she double checked Dracos suit length.

"Ok mum" said Draco eager to get changed .

"Now Ari , once your dressed come find me and I'll do your hair. Be quick " Narcissa said as she stroked her daughter's hair .

Aria nodded and hurried out the room .

Lucius had re-entered the bedroom and was now fully dressed. His hair was in a neat ponytail with a black satin bow. Narcissa kissed his cheek and left to get dressed herself .

A few moment later and Narcissa was dressed head to toe in a beautiful dark green dress , identical to arias . She'd put the top half of her hair into a neat bun and left the rest down in tight curls . She had a diamond necklace on and two emerald rings . Lucius gasped in awe and kissed his wife's hand .

"You look beautiful " said Lucius as he admired his wife.

"Thankyou dear, you'de better go and check the boys are ready to leave " Narcissa said whilst adjusting her self in front of the mirror ." I'll go get Aria ready"

Once Lucius had left , a faint knock was heard on the door.

"Come in" said Narcissa as she reached for the hairbrush, knowing it was her daughter behind the door .

"I'm ready " said Aria as she stepped into the room. She looked like a mini Narcissa. Aria had her mother's dark straight hair and bold eyes .

" You look gorgeous baby " said Narcissa softly .

Aria went to sit at the dresser and allowed her mother to do her hair.

After much time spent brushing and experimenting Narcissa was finally finished . She'd curled Arias hair and put the top bit of hair into two plaits connected at the back .

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