06. Port Angeles

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IT'S A BEAUTIFUL SUNNY DAY IN FORKS. The weather was warm and breezy, perfect for spending some time outside.

Dylan sat on a picnic bench with Bella and Jessica. Eating fresh, sweet strawberries while reading one of Bella's books. It was lunch period and everyone was outside, taking in the occasional sunlight that replaced the consistent gloomy clouds.

Turning to the next page, without looking, Dylan reaches for another strawberry, but her hand is met with the wooden surface of the table. Patting around for the open container, she puts down the book to search for it.

"That was the last strawberry you ate," Bella said, messing with the stem of the green apple in her hands.

Dylan pressed her lips into a thin line. "I should've packed more," She huffed before going back to reading.

"I might've stolen a few." Jessica took a peak at the light brunette, who looked at her annoyed.

"Doubt it was a few, Jess," The girl scoffed, knowing she took more. Dylan disliked sharing her food with other people, especially if she took the time and pack it for herself.

The Stanley girl only laughed and glanced at Bella, before leaning back. Feeling the warmth of the heat touch her face. "He's not here," She directed to the older twin. Noticed her taking longing looks around, every so often. Bella looked down feeling caught, trying to find a certain Cullen.

"Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullens disappear," Jessica informs.

The younger twin raised a brow, as Bella frowned. "What'd they just ditch?" She asked.

Jessica did a glance before closing her eyes. "No, um Dr. and Mrs Cullen yank them out for like hiking and camping and stuff. I tried that on my parents, not even close."

"Guys!" Angela exclaimed, approaching the table, and sitting next to Dylan with an excited smile. "I'm going to the prom with Eric,"

Dylan immediately engulfed Angela in a hug, who happily returned it. Both squealed out in excitement. "Screw the norms, Dylan!" She cheered out.

"Screw norms!" Dylan repeated as they parted. The light brunette felt so happy for her friend, seeing the stress or worry no longer there.

Angela then got up and walked over to Bella, to also hug her. "I just asked him, I took control."

"I told you that would happen," Bella said, giving a supporting hug to the girl. When they pulled apart, Angela stood in front of the table.

"Are you sure you have to go out of town?" Angela asked, sounding down.

Dylan eyed her twin, who nodded, "Oh yeah it's more of a family thing." She kept up with her lie and Dylan had to keep her mouth shut, however, she'd be annoying Bella about it later.

AMARANTHINE ᨒ 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗈𝖻 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄Where stories live. Discover now