12. Taste Of Death

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THE AIR STOOD STILL AND QUIET AS IT SURROUNDED THE SPACE OF THE BALLET STUDIO. Countless mirrors reveal reflections of light coming through windows from the upper level. Casting a glow of the late afternoon, but within a few minutes, dusk would soon fall. Replacing the warmth of the light to the pale moon, standing lonesome in the skies.

Particles of dust floated around as ghosts of memories danced where joy consumed. Eerily casting the void, making it feel less isolated than before. However, it soon vanishes as the sun sets from the horizon, leaving the bitterness of reality.

As the beams of light weaken, it visibly shines on the wooden floor. Showcasing an unconscious Swan lying in the middle of the room. Her body was limp, weak, and vulnerable, cold from the abandonment of care. Brown hair scattered all over her face, hiding innocence and sparkle that would long before fade away into anguish.

Her delicate lashes slowly flutter open, with her vision adjusting to the environment. Dylan groaned, slowly sitting up, her hands supporting the weight. She briefly touched the temple of her head, feeling the tender spot where it formed. Dylan looked down at her hand, seeing nothing but her bare fingers. Not an ounce of blood stained on her skin, making her suspect the side of her head was bruised. The girl winced as more feeling came rushing to her head, where it started to throb.

She sighed, standing up on her feet, and glanced around at the familiarity of being in her childhood ballet studio. That alone confused her as she hadn't attended lessons here since she was eleven. Dylan pondered for a moment until she remembered someone kidnapping her from her room. Panic settled in, and her heart pounded loudly in her ears. Her breathing came unevenly as her blue eyes searched for the entrance that led out of the studio.

Dylan's breath hitched, and eyes widened as she sprinted to the brink of freedom. The loud thuds of her shoes smack the wooden floors, echoing as an alarm of the prey escaping. When hands meet the cold metal of the doors, she pulls it, only for it to retreat. She frowned before tugging it again, struggling to open it with all her might, but nothing budged, and she was trapped.

The Swan girl quickly turned around, scanning the room for any signs of an escape. She frantically checked every door, hoping to release her from the impending doom. Dylan couldn't give up, not yet having to find a way out of here, looking behind her back as she checked every door she saw. The feeling of a shadow watching over, observing her doings, made Dylan's skin crawl.

She knew something was lurking around the studio; it was like her senses were overworking, telling her to leave. Fear started to overwhelm her as she became more desperate. When she checked the last of the two doors, the hope there was now frail. Dylan expected it to be a windowless room, but to her surprise, a small window beamed with welcoming arms, waiting for the girl to make her escape.

A loud crack echoed across the room, making Dylan waste no time and enter the closet, locking the door behind her. She stepped away before noticing a desk beside it. Dylan quickly headed over and pushed the end of it to barricade the door. Letting out a grunt at the heaviness, the girl used the strength she could muster and forced the desk to cover the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2024 ⏰

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