Kakyion is here (my love is mine all mine pt2)

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Quick summary from last week: Kakyoin came to Morioh along with Jolyne. Kakyoin fell asleep on the couch with Jotaro)

Kakyoin was the first one to wake up this morning. With Jotaro lying straight on his stomach, he wondered how he didn't die when he was asleep. Kakyoin looked down to his chest, where he felt something wet where Jotaro's head lay. "EEEEW," Kakyoin yelled, slowly lifting up his body, noticing that the wet spot was a big puddle of Jotaro's saliva. Luckily, Jotaro was still asleep, but now his mouth was dripping saliva on the brown leather couch. Kakyoin annoyingly sighed and went over to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a dark green sweat shirt, black bell bottom jeans, gold jewelry, and his rectangular glasses. Kakyoin then went to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth and wash his face, and right when he finished up braiding his hair, he heard Jolyne yawning and heading towards the bathroom. Once the little seven year old came around the corner, she was wearing the butterfly pyjama's she wore once she went to bed, her hair was all messed up and she was holding a green dolphin plush in her arms. Her tired eyes looked up at Kakyoin, her eyes trying to get used to the bright light.

"Good morning butterfly, how was your sleep?," Kakyoin asked Jolyne while putting in his cherry earrings. Jolyne just nodded, Kakyoin assuming it was good. Jolyne was just like her father, so sleepy, but unlike Jotaro, she can be absolutely full of energy. "Still tired?" Kakyoin asked Jolyne again. She nodded. "Well, you're not going to sleep in. Unfortunately, you're going to go hang out with your uncle Josuke. I hope you like him. He was the one with the odd hair yesterday," mentioned Kakyoin. When Jolyne heard that she wasn't going to hang with her dad's all day, it's as if someone pushed a button in her head. She started smiling widely and took her Little Mermaid brush to comb her hair. By how fast she was brushing her big knots out looked painful and worried Kakyoin, he took Jolyne's rushing arm and took the brush away from her. "Let's not brush that hard, that will ruin your hair rather than make it better," explained Kakyoin calmly, "sorry, Papa," Jolyne sadly apologized. Kakyoin let out a small giggle in return and brushed Jolyne's beautiful black and green hair. Her hair was raven coloured just like Jotaro's, but instead of it being curly, it was pin straight. Kakyoin then put the little girls hair into two buns on the top of her head with a small singular braid wrapping around each one. Kakyoin then put small star hair clips in her overgrown bangs to keep out of her face.

Jolyne smiled brightly at her new hair in the mirror. She turned to Kakyoin and yelled "THANKS PAPA" to Kakyoin. Kakyoin laughed at her sudden energy. The little seven year old definitely had an odd personality, to say the least. "That was a little loud, Jolyne. But are you hungry, I think Josuke will be here in a bit," Kakyoin asked Jolyne. Jolyne nodded and zoomed to the kitchen, where Jotaro was making himself a cup of black coffee. Kakyoin watched as Jotaro drank the coffee straight up without any sugar or milk. "How can you drink coffee without sugar or milk? It's so bitter even with sugar and milk already," Kakyoin asked, pulling out a chair at the counter for Jolyne to sit on. Jotaro looked at his mug of coffee and said, "I don't know. I think it's because I tried to impress a boy in freshman year," said Jotaro, laughing at the last sentence. Kakyoin laughed, "How did that go?" He asked, Jotaro's eyes just went wide, and he let out a big sigh, remembering the bad memory of his early teenage years. "I don't think I'm gonna ask," Kakyoin said, walking over to the toaster to put in some bread for Jolyne's toast. Jotaro just nodded and sat beside Jolyne at the counter, complimenting her hair.

While Jolyne was eating her peanut butter and jelly toast, there was a knock at the door. Kakyoin went to get it, and it was Josuke. He was wearing a flashy blue baseball jacket, which was unbuttoned, revealing a skin-tight yellow shirt with pins on one side of his chest. He for leg wear, he wore dark blue, worn-out bell bottom jeans with a studded belt that matched his gold chain around his neck and some Spiderman Nike shoes. Kakyoin welcomed the fashionable teen in and to wait a little for Jolyne to finish her toast.

Not too long after, Josuke left the building with Jolyne and Jotaro git ready for the day. Jotaro's hair was in a casual white hat with gold jewelry. He wore a black turtle neck and some white jeans. Although Jotaro wore the same thing almost every day, Kakyoin pecked his cheek and complimented his looks, which always got Jotaro flustered. The couple decided to go down to the beach. It wasn't far from the hotel, so it was simple packing and getting there, Kakyoin bringing some painting material, planning to paint a bit. Once Kakyoin stepped onto the warm sand, he placed down the white bedsheets covered in paint splotches from painting on it in the past. He sets his paints and brushes, which were in a bucked, onto his left side, and set up his easel.

By the time Kakyoin finished setting up his easel, Jotaro was in the water with his trunks on. Kakyoin bit his lip. It's been a while since he's seen his Jojo shirtless. But Kakyoin snapped out of it and grabbed his two inch brush, a canvas and his white paint, and started to paint the canvas white. He grabbed a little blue with his brush and blended it into the white with circular motions. He kept on mixing some blue, white, and bits of purple until he felt satisfied with the background. Once Kakyoin started to paint the middle ground, Jotaro came out of the water, his curls soaking wet with water that dripped down to his body. His fingers were pruny and wrinkly from being in the water. The ravenhead grabs a towel and dries himself with it while Kakyoin admires him. Jotaro catches the lavender eyes watching him, "What is it?" He asks. Kakyoin just giggles and continues to paint, Joyaro just doesn't question it.

Jotaro opens a bag of chips from the beach bag  and opens it (making sure his hands are extra dry) to eat the salty chips. "It's very beautiful today, isn't it, Jojo," asks Kakyoin. Jotaro just makes a grunt of agreement. After an hour, Kakyoin finishes the simple painting. It wasn't big and isn't something he would sell, but he still looked at it with pride. "Would you like to go in the water now?" Asks Jotaro, who looked basically desperate, Kakyoin giggled at the big man's question and nodded. He took off his sweatpants, which revealed his swimming trunks from underneath, but he kept his shirt on because he didn't want to show his scar. Jotaro didn't mind Kakyoin swimming with his shirt on. He would probably do the same if he had a big scar on his abdomen.

Kakyoin slightly shivered when je touched the water with his foot, but in a matter of time, he was running into the water like a little kid. Once the water was up to his shoulders, Jotaro came behind his and sweetly pulled him with his arm around Kakyoin's waist. The two smiled at each other and slowly leaned in close to kiss, but once Kakyoin closed his eyes, Jotaro threw him in the water. Kakyoin wasn't expecting the random act from the big man and started coughing when he came back up from the water. Jotaro's bursting laughs practically vibrated the water. "I'm sorry, I thought it'd be funny!" He apologizes, Kakyoin just smiles, but then he brings his stand, and Heirophant Greens tentacles pull in Jotaro, who is still laughing.  They both had a glorious day.


(OK, I'm done! It's almost the end of the school year, so I might be slower to bring in oneshots weekly since my teachers want to finish up some more remaining projects for the year. I hope you enjoyed this part 2 of the last oneshot I made. It was tiring making it because I had another idea in my head, but it's ok. Also, for those who play Splatoon, CONGRATS ON TEAM BUCKEY LIST!!! WE DID SO GOOD!! bye-bye, I love u 😘❤️❤️)

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