??? || Future au || part 1

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☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚angst ☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚

Yusaku POV

It had been a pretty normal day today, just maybe a few people asking why I covered my eyes. I didn't tell them; I never do, really. They wouldn't like it. I just know it.

I sighed, as I walked through the hall, and down to the main entrance/exit. The bell had rung around 5 minutes ago, so I made my way to the exit with my friends, Leanna and Jess. They weren't the best of friends, and my parents didn't really like the sound of them, and wouldn't let them come over to our house at all, but they were the only people who didn't mind being friends with me. Or at least that's what I'd think.

I got to the exit, Leanna and Jess talking in front of me, half ignoring the fact that I was there. I tried to push slightly in front of them, but they didn't notice, and I didn't want to seem rude, so I just let them be. I sighed, and once they finally reached the exit, I could see outside.

I looked around through the door to the exit, waiting for the other students to ease their way out before I finally walked out along with Jess and Leanna, though I was still behind them.

I looked around once again, now outside, and saw shūji, my little brother, waiting for out parents behind the big entrance gate. I noticed my friends looking at him aswell. Their expression changed into a smirk as they walked over to him.

Once we were beside shūji, I stayed behind them. I knew my friends really just though of shūji as a little stupid child, but he was actually really smart for his age.

He looked over at us, and frowned a bit.


He said quietly. My friends laughed at him, and I just stared. I didn't want to seem uncool Infront of them,  but I didn't really want to see him be... Bullied, I guess.

They laughed, before standing straight again.

"Nothin', you're just so... Voulnerable."

Leanna said, smirking.

Shūji took a step back.


He mumbled, preparing himself as best he could even if he was powerless as a 7 year old going against 13 year olds.

I didn't want to move. I felt powerless. I felt stupid, for not being able to protect him. He glanced at me, but looked back at the girls a second later.

I didn't want to hurt him as well, but I didn't want to lose my only friends over some simple misunderstanding. I mean, they didn't even know he was my brother. What they did know though, or at least what I told him, was that if my parents ever saw them bullying a kid then they would get in trouble. So now I don't have to worry too much about my parents, mostly mom(chuuya), seeing me letting them bully him.

My friend, Jess, raised her hand and set it on his shoulder. Shūji tensed, but before he could react, she pushed him down onto the hard concrete ground of the sidewalk.

I looked away, but smirked slightly. The girls laughed, and for the first time, I laughed along with them. I didn't want shūji to notice, but I did. I laughed. I laughed at my own brother being bullied. I laughed... At me bullying my brother.


I heard a slap, and looked over. Jess had slapped Shūji. They started laughing. I smirked. Shūji had almost no reaction, he just wjnced. Thankfully I was behind them, so I don't think he noticed me much, by I did. I smirked, laughed, chuckled, whatever. But this was... Had to be, bullying.

I heard a yelp from Shūji, and focused on him again. Leanna had punched him. Now, Leanna, as the girly girl she is, had really long, real, nails, so when she punched him, it had also scratched him, and her nails were sharp and long, so he was scratched beside his eye, and on his forehead.

I watched as a little blood dripped down, and onto his nose. I felt... Bad. I felt bad for him, but I didn't. What did I feel for him? I don't really know. Suddenly I heard a beeping noise. I could recognize that beeping anywhere.

Our car.

I started slightly panicking, but tried not to as best I could so I wouldn't seem suspicious.

"Guys, you should go, my mom's coming."

I told them, watching as they sprinted away.

Shūji got up, brushing himself off. We said nothing to eachother, and just waited for mom.

Once mom came, he ran over to shūji, picking him up.

"Are you okay?!"

He said worriedly.

"My head hurts a bit, but yeah, I think I'm fine."

He said quietly. Mom looked at him sympathetically, and sighed.

"Your dad knows more about this then me, he can help."

Shūji nodded, and hugged him. I watched, feeling slightly guilty.

Should I have done that? Was it a bad idea? ...

Will they find out?
----------------------------THE END------------------------------
Words: 875

Cliff hanger, kinda 🤭 your welcome. Also, this is why I needed to introduce them 🙃
Hope you liked this!!! There will probably be another part coming out tonight so stay tuned 😁

Karl: 🦝

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