𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1- 𝑰𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑵𝒐𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑨𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆

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"Ugh.. my head hurts like hell.." You slowly raised your sore body up from the ground you were lying on. You felt... odd for a start. Your body didn't feel like yours, you felt smaller. Granted that you were already short, but somehow you felt even smaller. You tried to stand up but your legs were too wobbly for you to stand on them without giving out on you. You huffed and looked down at yourself.

You were shorter! A lot shorter in fact, it was like you became a child again. You were a little terror when you were a child, but that besides the point. You were finally able to stand and you slowly walked towards the little puddle you woke up close to. You looked at your reflection in the small pool of water and you looked a lot younger than 18 going on 19.

You had turned into a child! If you had to guess, you'd probably be at least 8. You were confused and that's when it finally dawned on you. You remembered meeting a beautiful woman but then you passed out and somehow you were here, in the middle of nowhere if you had to guess. You laid yourself against I tree and looked up at the blue sky to try and make out shapes in the clouds to calm yourself down. It worked, a little bit. You were two weeks away from graduation and then you would finally be able to move out of that hellhole you call 'home'. You let out a long breathy sigh and curled yourself into a little ball to feel a sense of comfort.

Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep yet again. But this time, you were stuck in a repeating nightmare. The same dream over and over again. "You are a mistake! Why did you ever have to be born?!" You quivered in the corner as your dad yelled and yelled at you, screaming words that you couldn't make out. You hid in a corner as you heard a glass bottle shatter in the kitchen. "Don't touch me! Let me go!" You bit down on his hand as he tried to grab you. He slapped you and you ran to your room and locked the door. The sound of the aggressive banging on the door had been muffled out by the pouring rain, thunder, and lightning. You put your hands over your ears as the banging continued until you heard footsteps walk away.

You swore you would never let him touch you again, to ever hurt you again but here you are, being tortured by the same memories, by the same trauma he inflicted all those years ago. He was arrested shortly after your mom came back from her work trip and found you beaten and bruised. She cared for you as she went through the long process of getting him convicted and you were questioned constantly. The day your mom got home she immediately took you to an abuse center and they did a rape test on you. They would evidence to convict him of multiple felonies. And he was, after a long process, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. After that, you've gotten a lot of support from the people around you and have been in a lot better place mentally but still those nightmares occur a lot.

You woke up with warm tears streaming down your face. You felt someone gently wipe the tears off. You looked up and saw that woman from before. "It's you!" You dramatically pointed at her and she just patted your head. "Mhm! Bingo. I'm here to prepare you for your journey!~ But first, do you know where you are?" You titled your head which gave her the impression of a puppy. "Not a clue." She sat down next to you and looked at you. "Think. What's your favorite show?" You looked at her puzzled. "One Piece probably but what has that- oh, don't tell me!" She laughed and shook her head. "Yep! Welcome to the world of One Piece!" You were flabbergasted as to how this even happened but you weren't one to question things especially when you get to go on an awesome adventure and possibly meet your favorite characters.

"I'm so going to die.." She smirked at you. "Not if I train you, you won't!" You quickly stood up and your eyes had sparkles. "Really?! Wait... then if I'm 8, when will I leave this island?" She put a hand on your shoulder. "Hopefully on your seventeenth birthday is the plan!~ You ready to get started, my dear?" You rapidly nodded your head and she motioned you to follow her. You followed her deeper and deeper into the forest until you arrived at a cozy little cottage.

"We're here! I've already prepared a room for you so don't worry about that! Eek! I'm so excited, I finally get to train someone!" You felt her grab your arm and run into the house, laughing in joy the whole time and you ended up laughing along with her. 'This won't be too bad, right?'

'A Pirate's Life For Me' (One Piece x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now