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Hongjoong sighed, eyes landing on the fresh flowers taped to his locker.

"Park again?" Hongjoong's best friend and coven member, Song Mingi, asks.

Hongjoong nods.

"I don't understand why he can't just talk to me instead of sneaking around— it's not like I bite," the older complains, snatching the flowers and admiring them before shoving them into his locker.

The silence and Mingi's accusatory looks get Hongjoong scoffing.

"Do I look like Wooyoung-ah to you?"

"With your height, you could pass," Mingi pokes, jumping back at the expected swing from the shorter.

"Mingi, I will hex you into tomorrow bald and covered in warts if you keep it up," Mingi knew that his bark actually had a bite, but he just loved to test his hyung and see how far he'd bite.

"Okay, relax jeez," Mingi cackles opening his own locker and dumping his bag inside in place of his little bag, "It's cute how he thinks you don't know he's doing that."

Hongjoong hums, collecting his books for his next lecture. He turns after getting a whiff of spearmint toothpaste. Hongjoong sighs, extending his hand towards the taller.

"What?" Mingi pouts.

"The love potion, Mingi-ya," Hongjoong curves his fingers, signaling for the bottle tucked into Mingi's black studded purse. "Can't you let it slide, just this once?" Mingi whined, digging for the potion and dropping it into Hongjoong's hand.

"And let you play with that poor boy's heart until he keels over?" Hongjoong exasperates, stuffing the bottle in between his bosom, "Sure, to your hearts content babe, but I don't think you'll survive Azkaban with that pretty little face of yours."

"I'm just trying to help Yuyu set his priorities straight. His priorities being me," Mingi grumbles.

"Such a greedy witch you are."

"The second deadly sin of seven that wants to satiate his craving for a tall, hot babe," Mingi stomps his platforms, his greed sinking in deeper.

"Princess, you'll be fine without the magic and jail time. Jeong literally gawks at you when you're not looking."

"I know, and that's all he does!" Mingi groans, leaning against the lockers as he fixes his black pleated skirt into place.

"So, have you decided where our next witching hour party is?" Mingi asks, already over being caught. The older holds in a laugh at his coven member's rapid mood swings.

"Yeo wants to cleanse the waters for a change, and Woo knows someone with a boat," Hongjoong explained, fixing the chains on his ruby-red skirt.

Witching hour came every third Friday of each month. The coven meet and purge on the possessed, the haunted, the wicked. And whether those trapped souls were good or evil, they all had to go for the good of the world and the better of the coven.

"A little yacht party sounds fun. I heard the souls underwater are much more tastier than on land."

Hongjoong shakes his head but giggles regardless as he seconds the idea.

"We'll talk more later. I sense a nosey little spider crawling around," Hongjoong whispers after discerning a few ears listening in.

"Let me know how long he stares at you, maybe he'll beat last week's record," Mingi whispers before they separate ways.

Seonghwa leans against the open door of his locker, pressing his ears against the slits to listen in on the conversation a few feet next to him.

He concentrates, trying to hear every detail, every giggle, every sigh.

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