| 15. Care |

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Hii bunnies as I said that I uploaded next chapter early if you completed target, so you all did it. Thank you so much for your love on my story. Drop a review comment. This chapter is still unedited read on your risk.

Let's start........

Seeing my client and my fiance were hugging each other,I felt a burning sensation in my chest

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Seeing my client and my fiance were hugging each other,I felt a burning sensation in my chest. Why did she let him hug her?  Did they know each other? Wasn't this her boyfriend? Do they love each other? These are my thoughts since I saw both of them hugging each other, he stared at her. After the meeting, I went towards my room and waited for her. One second why am I waiting for her? Of course she is my fiance. Why is it taking so long to arrive?

Suddenly I heard footsteps of hers, she came towards my room. I opened the door slowly and pulled her inside. She flinched at sudden touch of mine. I pinned her against wall and my hand was on her mouth so that she couldn't scream. I said to keep quiet and rested my hand on her waist. I leaned towards her and kept my chin on her shoulder. She was trembling under my presence, I liked the effect on her because of me. "Do you know him sweetheart?" I asked seductively near her near. She didn't speak anything, I sucked her earlobe lightly. "Anhhh..ansh."
She moaned my name, I don't know why am I happy after hearing my new name from her mouth. She nodded in agreement that she know him. I released her and stood straight infront of her.

I smirked seeing her condition, oh god I want to devour her then I realized. I cleared my thoughts and sat on my bed. "Come here." I ordered her and she followed it. She sat beside me and played with her rings. "How do you know raghav?" I asked and my whole focus was on her. "He was my college mate." She replied but I know there is something more I waited for her next words. "He proposed me infront of whole college but believe me I denied him because I didn't love him." She said very nervously. Of course I believe her because in these days I knew about her that she don't speak lie. "OK now you get rest at evening we will go to explore jaipur." I said in low tone and a genuine smile creeped on her face hearing this. "Really?" She asked like child who found that his parents are taking him to fair. I chuckled at her childish behaviour and nodded my head in yes. She ran out from my room and I threw myself on my bed.

Shrijita was shocked at shivansh sudden changing in  mood

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Shrijita was shocked at shivansh sudden changing in  mood. "Seems like he has on his periods that's why his mood were changing like this." She said in lone tone and saw here and there that no one heard her. She went inside her room and remembered the whole incident, a pinkish blush adorned at her cheeks. Also she was happy that shivansh said to explore the jaipur. She headed towards her bed to take a nap.

Shrijita woke up at 3 pm and got ready for seeing the jaipur. They had no much time to explore more places because tomorrow shivansh have a meeting with board members at 2pm. She went out of the room and knocked his room. Shivansh opened the door and saw her with happy face. Shivansh's heart melted after seeing her happy face. "Let's go shrijita." He said holding her hands. Shrijita was staring at their hands, she was  happy that may be he tried to give this relation a chance. Shivansh settled himself on driver seat and shrijita took passenger seat. He started the car, shrijita saw the beauty the jaipur and got fascinated. This was her first time exploring the jaipur, I didn't go there. "This is very beautiful." She said unknowingly that she was sitting in the car with her boss and fiance. Shivansh looked immediately towards her, saw that her hair covered her face but he was able see her eyes and her mole. "Indeed very beautiful." He said in very low tone, shrijita thinking chain broke. "Did you say anything?"
She asked him with questioning eyes. "Yes I said that this place is indeed very beautiful." Shivansh changed his sentence quickly.

They got off from the car and went towards chandpole market. Shrijita was looking at their handcraft craved on marbles and woods. They both were walking inside the market and suddenly shrijita eyes stucked on a particular shop. She went quickly towards jewellery shop where oxidised earrings, bangles, anklets and many more ornaments were kept on table and some were hanging.
Shrijita was obsessed with oxidised earrings so she liked all earrings. Then remembered that shivansh stood behind her so didn't buy anything and went from there.

Shivansh  were observing her and her actions all this time.
He brought every earrings she had laid her hands on. He didn't understand why didn't she buy when she liked it so much. He kept the bag on the back seat of car. "Let's eat something and after that we have to go back Delhi." Shivansh said opening the car  door for her, this was the first time that he opened the car for her. Seeing his sweet gesture, shrijita got overwhelm. They reached the hotel which was looking royal. They went inside and took seats near window. "Order anything whatever you like." Shivansh said politely and rested his head on chair. He was very tired and feeling pain in his muscles.

Shrijita gave the order to waiter and saw towards him. "What happened sir?" She asked and shivansh opened his eyes tiredly. "Call me from the name that you had mentioned before." Shivansh said with smirking. Shrijita understood that shivansh is teasing her and shook her head in denial. "Call me." This time shivansh ordered strictly, shrijita scared seeing his anger. "An..ansh what happened?"  Shrijita said hesitately but shivansh was very happy. Then  Waiter came with the food, they ate in silence.

Shivansh was driving the car but his head were paining like hell. Upon seeing his irritated mood, shrijita checked his temperature by touching his forehead. Shivansh stared at her while holding the starring tightly. "Ansh aapko to bukhar hai." She said in serious tone. (Ansh you have fever.) "Nothing happened to me." He said parking his car at hotel parking area. They went towards their respective rooms. But shrijita being shrijita,she can't see anyone in pain and suffering. She changed her clothes into night suit and roamed around in her room while thinking that she should go or not. Finally she headed towards his room.

She knocked his room, shivansh weakly stood from his bed and opened the door. Seeing shivansh condition, shrijita went inside his room and pulled him and sat him on bed. She again checked his temperature but this time his fever was more than before. She called room service and asked them to bring cloves, cardamom, black pepper, honey and dry ginger. After sometime, they sent the items in his room. Shrijita boiled the water with ingredients in electric kettle which were kept on table and poured some normal water on bowl. She made the kada (herbal liquid) and went towards him. She handed the kada to him and went inside bathroom to take face towel. She raised her eyebrows after seeing that shivansh didn't drink kada. "Shivansh drink this." She said politely and he shook his head. "Shivansh drink this now." She ordered him, shivansh drank silently like obedient child. He didn't say anything because he had no power to argue with her in this condition.

His whole body were paining and also he didn't able to stand properly. Shivansh lied him and covered him with blanket properly. She dipped the towel in water and kept the wet towel on his forehead to decrease the temperature.
When she got tired, she slept on his bed.


How was today chapter? You know it took me
more than 3 hours to write this chapter.
I didn't know how to write and what to write
In this chapter. I hope you liked it.
Complete the target I will give next chapter early.
Target more than 80 votes and 20 comments.

I am happy that you completed previous target and
I said that I updated early so I kept my words.

And I am Sure that the next chapter is what
You are eagerly waiting for.

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