The Precious Sister

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Ch-7 The Precious Sister..

As the day ends, Noor goes to the academy to fill up some informations and ask doubts about the case.
She enters the Academy and steps straight into the elevator without talking to anyone. The door goes underground and she finally enters the strange corridor, steps into the Captain's office while greeting. As he gestures her to sit down. "How are you, Agent 9?" "I'm good, sir. I wanted to.. ask you. How was Fazal before his sister's death?" The Captain's eyes widen at her every word. "Did someone talk about her?" He asked, quite desperately curious. "Yes.., Shehzan Alam. He's thinking, now that I have arrived. Everything will be good. He expects a lot from me." She replies in despair. "I see. You know Shehzan is one different member of the Alam Family.
He's quite daring. As he is a terribly honest person. Everyone in the family is ashamed to even talk about the poor girl." "Why? What did she do? and how did she.. you know, pass away." She asks. "Well, Ikra Alam was a lovely person. She was like a blooming flower. She respected others. Never had even talked to a man, but also because at the time she was only sixteen or eighteen. She was a responsible girl at a young age. She was so nice, everyone was fond of her. She was just perfect. But, she had one wish disregarding her Family's rules and regulations. It was Painting. She had a crazy talent. Whatever she painted looked so real it felt like it could start walking the second you looked away. She would lose track of hours once she got into her work. Fazal specially made a little library attached to the Mansion just for her. It consisted of thousands of Books about the butterflies, flowers, stories. Just like she wanted. He always defended his sister if anyone spoke against her. At that time, Shehzan was out of the country for his higher studies. That was when Ikra started getting sick. No doctor could figure out how she would be getting weak and weaker day by day. No medicine worked on her. So just like that, she died one day. Fazal believed it was because of the family pressure that she was so devastated. He is determined to one day move away and break his ties with his family. He is only here for his mother till now. He sometimes misses his little sister very much."
"So, that is why he doesn't get along well with his father. I always wondered why he has made himself a huge company if he could just take over the family buisness-" Noor snaps out as she recalls that she went to Ikra's library when she was about to cry. "Attached to the Mansion?? The library with a beautiful balcony that viewed straight towards the woods?" She asks, surprised. "Hm." He says while picking up the phone which was buzzing like crazy till now. She gets up and mouths a greeting in a manner to not disturb him and gets out.

She gets into the lobby when the receptionist calls her. "Miss Ayaz!" "Yes?" She walks towards the reception counter. "How's your mission going?" She asks with a bright smile that was always on her face. Noor smiles back. "Good." "Did you fight someone? Or made new friends? Or, or found the culprit and beat him up?? If you did. I'm all ears!" She says childishly making Noor chuckle as she puts a hand on her head. "No, not yet." "Aww man, than why did you leave me here. I'm so lonely without you." She says pouting. Noor smiled. "I'm sure you will be just fine without me." "No! What if someone bullies me again, what would I be able to do!!" Noor nods her head acting serious. "If that's the case. Tell them that you know me and I'm like your older sister." "What would happen than??" She asks curiously. "Well.., than they would beat you more." She breaks into a smile while scratching the back of her head. "Uhh!! I need a real solution. Miss Ayaz!!" She says shaking Noor's arm back forth. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen." "You have also forgotten me. When was the last time we went out together." She frowns. "Just four days ago you said the same thing and we went out for a coffee." Noor says raising her brows. "Really?! It has been four days!?" Bushra comes by setting her elbow on table leaning on it. "What're y'all talking about?" She says and smiles. "Bushra appi! Let's go out." "Ooh you're making plans! Count me in. Let me call Raz if she's free." She takes out her phone and puts it on her ear after dialing "What- no!" Noor exclaims. "Shh, it's ringing. Hellow? Assalamualaikum! Raziya are you free tonight?"_ _ _ "Yeah we're going out."_ _ _ "Great then. I'll pick you up at seven." She hangs up and Noor looks at Huda in disappointment. "Seriously?" "What!? Try to have some fun." Bushra rolls her eyes at her. "What if someone from the Alam family calls and I have to be there? Anything could happen." "Hm. Then tell them that you're busy. They don't think you sit around doing nothing, do they?" Noor sighs, "I'm in. Whatever." As Bushra highfives with the receptionist..

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