The Coin Creature

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Firey's POV:

When the field trip ended, I decided to go over to Coiny's house,I was pretty bored and needed something to do anyway. I knocked on the door, and his mom,Medal, let me in. "COINY! YOUR BEST FRIEND IS HERE!" Medal yelled." I'll be there, Mom!" Coiny said. I saw him walk out the door and greet me. He asked if I wanted to play some games,and of course, I was up for the challenge. "Oh,before I forgot to tell you,my uncle is coming here today. Don't get on his nerves." His uncle? Didn't know Coiny even had one. I pushed down that thought and played some video games with him,which I was obviously better at than the coin. He raged pretty hard (DONT MAKE IT WEIRD). I was laughing so much I thought I was gonna die. "Augh! You're cheating, and I know it." Coiny accused. "How would I cheat? It's your console,you know that, right?" I said while chuckling. "You're such a cheater that you would find a way,I know it." He said. I think he couldn't accept the fact that he was terrible at his favorite game. While I was laughing, a person walked into the house. "Uncle Trophy!" Coiny yelled. "What's up, kid?" Trophy asked. Suddenly my mind started screaming "TROPHY!? NO WAY IN HELL HE'S HERE!!" Why was my head screaming over Coiny's uncle? I tried to shut it up and ignore it,it failed horribly. The voice got louder and louder until It took over my body.

Trophy's POV:

"Long time,no see Trophy." The kid said. I've never met this guy before. What was he talking about? "Don't remember me? Does the name Silver ring a bell?" I realized instantly. That silver maniac possessed a kid. "I thought you were locked up for life." I said. "Got a new style and made it out of that hell hole." He responded. The kid looked so smug until he returned to normal. "Ughhh,my head.." He said.

Coiny's POV:

Firey started acting weird, and then my uncle said that he had someone in his mind. I got a flashback 6 months ago when I met a fan. He was mysterious and confusing,and once I shook his hand,he vanished. I started hearing voices in my head every once in a while,but it was nothing often. Was Firey like me? Silver Spoon. The name wrung a bell in my head,but I didn't know why until the voice spoke, "I know that guy,he's pretty weird." I guess my voice knew more about this Silver Spoon than I did,so I decided to hear it out. It spoke about how it used to be a part of a villain team named "The Final Four" and -"crappy name," I said. "I'm well aware,you don't need to remind me." I asked Firey about his voice,and he said it bothers him when he sees certain people. It was an awkward situation to talk about,so I tried to lighten up the mood and asked Firey if he wanted to play games again,and of course, he said yes. I lost a lot of times. To the point I got so mad I pointed my finger and a bit of wind came out,pushing the controller out of his hand. This was my chance. I used my opening and knocked his character off the map and celebrated like my win was in turn,actually the cure to all diseases in the world,it was my first win in a while so I was pretty happy.

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