One down,Four more to go.

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Fan's POV:

"I don't know Test Tube,it's just that I've been with these people for a long time now." I said. My mind was circling around itself with options.

Don't do it! It's been a year, and nobody is going to accept you.

You should do it! It's been a while,so you'll probably be forgiven!

Pick neither. If you disappear from both of the ideas,you can move on with life.

All of them didn't seem that bad,but I didn't know what to choose!

Trophy's POV:

Balloon's got to be dying. I hit him with everything I had,no way he isn't running on fumes. I ran at him,but he pulled away from my hit. I'm not at my best either,a lot of people could beat me at the moment. I still have to try. I ran at him again,but Firey got in the way. Great,now I have to take him out. Sorry,Coiny. I don't think you'll see your friend anymore. I kicked him into the wall. Then,I started wailing on him. I punched with everything I had. I was suddenly pushed back by something or someone? I didn't know.

Firey's POV:

I'm going to die. If this is the end, I might as well take everyone with me! "Radiance. Burn Out." Burn Out is something that awakens an explosion device. You could call it a companion,I guess.Its name is unknown,and it's fueled by my own fire. It takes orders from me,but when it gets damaged, it uses me to recover. Basically, it's a weapon that kills everything,me and the enemy. Although,it is extremely weak to water. It wouldn't detonate if it got flooded with water. Water weakens it to an extreme extent,and so am I! Not everyone can just be blessed with genetics!Whatever,all that matters was that it was on the field. "Orders?" It asked. "Get me out of here. If anyone tries to stop you,use force." I responded. It grabbed me and started dashing out of the bank and towards the lair. I didn't know that it knew where I wanted to go,but who I am to complain. Trophy tried to hit it,Blaze took the hit and threw him back into the bank. Woohoo! I'm saved. Suddenly,it got sprayed with water. Water,oh how I hate water. Teardrop being an exception,speaking of Teardrop,I don't really like her that way. She's nice and all,but more of like a friend you flirt with as a joke. And Teardrop was the one spraying Blaze with water. It recovered,using me as its source. Ow. I hate water,so much. Teardrop kept spraying. Why would she do that to me? I thought we had something. I guess I thought wrong. All i heard was the spraying of water,i felt myself getting weaker,losing my fire as time went on. I dont wanna die. Please,i don't....wanna die. I just kept getting smaller and smaller... "SOMEONE! HELP ME-"until I saw black.

The only thing you could hear was the sizzling of a put out flame.

Where am I? I'm not where I was before,so where am I. "You're dead." A mysterious voice said. Oh. Surprisingly,I was kind of accepting of that fact.  Even though I was terrified at the thought of dying just moments ago,nothing is gonna change my death, is it?I thought I'd be going to the top,but I guess not. Is Silver Spoon okay? What about Paintbrush? He also seemed to worry about me. He's got to be safe,I hope so. Switching the topic back to Silver's well-being. I haven't known him for long,but I guess from his standards,he was  pretty good..


Silver Spoon's POV:

I got kicked out of Firey for some reason,and I was in the street. All I saw was teardrop,that leafy girl,a puddle, and smoke. No way,Teardrop wouldn't. He's dead. HE'S DEAD,ISN'T HE? No,no,no,no. This is some kind of sick joke,and he's just gonna be fine. But it isn't. I know that. "You." I said,staring at the object,no-creature that killed my friend,I thought of him as my own son. Its eyes started glowing purple. Not that I'd care,I'll just kill it before it moves. Wait,there's probably a way to bring him back! He's a flame,so if I get something flammable and big enough, I could just...respawn him! Before I get to work on that,I'll kill this thing.

Teardrop's POV:

Oh my god,he's dead. I killed him. I only hit the monster,and he died along with it. Oh my God, he's dead. Leafy stared at me,with hatred in her eyes and probably in her heart, too.


TD:Candle. I don't need this right now.

C:So that's what kept drawing me in.


C:I should've known earlier! Well,it's never too late



Silver Spoon dashed towards me, grabbed my neck, and started choking me. He was super strong and rightfully enraged. I think this is deserved. Maybe I'll see him again.

(Silver doesn't know he's technically killing the love of his life,and I'm never gonna let him find out.)

Leafy's POV:

She killed him. When she was getting choked,I just ran away. I need to go home,life is getting harder by the day.

Cabby's POV:

I jumped into a wormhole and went back to the lair. I just froze up,I'm so stupid! I'll go back and get everyone else.

Fan's POV:

"I'm sorry, Test Tube,I can't do it." I said,running away. I just couldn't leave it behind. I ran to Balloon,who looked like he needed help,and grabbed him. I sprinted away and to the lair as fast as the wind could take me. (Get it? Yeah, I'm like, so funny and stuff. If you don't agree,you should. Because I'm so funny, hehe, right? Okay, I'll stop.) When I made it there,I saw Cabby. She abandoned us back there. I'm too tired to call her out on it, though.

Silver Spoon's POV:

I finished killing that creature. Now,I need something super big and flammable. I'm pretty sure there's a matchstick factory around here. (Match joke, hehe)

I came so close to discontinuing this out of lack of motivation and just getting tired of writing these shitty ass powers. But I remembered "Hey,when I read a story that's decent enough for me to read it and it's discontinued.. I GET PISSED." So I decided to keep going. These next two chapters will be the last, though.

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