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Chapter 2: More Than a Trinket

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Why would a meaningless bauble like my bracelet be of any interest to this dragon guard? I tried to pull my arm away, but I was stuck fast in his strong, unyielding grasp.

His piercing blue eyes bore into me. His glare made my heart skip a beat, and his grip on my wrist was so strong I was afraid he'd break it if I didn't speak.

"I found it in the street when I was a kid," I said, hoping that would be enough for him to release me.

It wasn't.

"It used to belong to a dead girl," I added desperately. "I didn't steal it. She wanted me to have it." I could feel my hand going numb under his grip but I didn't know what else he wanted from me.

Other than the truth, of course. But nothing could compel me to speak the truth aloud; certainly not here, to a dragon.

"I don't believe you, human," he spat. His face came closer to mine and his scent rolled over me, strong and musky like the woods after a storm.

I swallowed hard over the sudden lump that formed in my throat. "I guess that's your problem," I said, trying to sound braver than I felt. "I answered your question, now let me go."

But his eyes remained fixed directly on my face, his hand unyielding. I was about to protest when I caught his hardened gaze. He'd looked angry before, but something new flickered across his features.

My blood ran cold.

All my anger, all my defiance, slipped away as I realized his eyes were beginning to glow—a white-hot heat growing where that clear blue had been just moments before.

I'd heard tales about this shift for as long as I could remember, but I'd only ever seen it once. And not from this close.

This was the only warning given before a dragon would strike.

I cowered, using my free arm to shield me from what was to come, knowing that whatever magic lay on the other side of that stare would probably be the end of me.

But suddenly I heard footsteps.

The guard's fearsome gaze shifted back to something more controlled, and he turned to peer down the hallway.

I shuddered a deep breath, temporarily relieved of his wrath. My wrist was still clamped in an unrelenting grip, but I was alive.

At least for now. Another soldier rapidly approached and I prayed he wasn't here to help finish the job.

The soldier bowed low to the dragon clutching me and for a moment my fear was replaced by curiosity.

I didn't know much about dragon customs, but it seemed strange for one guard to bow to another.

When the soldier stood up again, he kept his eyes lowered.

"Your Majesty," he said, and my breath caught in my throat. "General Balthazar asks what might be delaying Your Majesty. The dowager queen has already joined him and they are expecting Your Majesty's presence."

That was more "Your Majesty's" than I'd ever heard in my life and the sound of those words made my heart race.

Words tumbled out of my mouth—foolish words, words worthy of whatever lay behind those dragon's eyes.

"Are... Are you King Gavriel?" I asked, my head reeling.

He turned back toward me, once again fixing me with his steely blue glare. He glanced down at my mouth, as if shocked that I was asking something so stupid. With one last unreadable look, he dropped his grip on my wrist.

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