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Chapter 7: The Drawing

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A sword came down at my head as I screamed, and then heard a clash. A second sword struck out at the last moment, blocking the first one.

I timidly raised my eyes to see the potential carnage, but there was none to be seen.

Kael, the captain of the royal guard stood over me, sword in hand. The handsome dragon's night-dark eyes were wide as they studied me with concern.

"Are you all right, miss?" he asked. He slid his sword back into its scabbard and then offered his hand to me. I gratefully accepted it and he pulled me to my feet. My body shook as I struggled to regain my composure.

"I'm all right," I assured him, though I couldn't believe it myself.

Kael turned outward toward the field and let out a loud whistle. "Halt!" he demanded in an official tone. "Everyone halt!"

The field fell quiet, the sounds of battle replaced with chatter. I peered around at my surroundings, and in doing so, I realized I hadn't interrupted a battle, but a sparring match! This entire side of the palace was some sort of training ground. The soldiers of the royal guard must have been practicing here on the field and I'd had the misfortune of accidentally entering their space.

"Are you sure you're all right, Miss?" Kael asked again as a contingent of soldiers approached. Their presence was overwhelming, but then again, I was the one out of place, not them.

I managed to nod. "I'm so sorry—"

"A pretty woman never needs to apologize," he assured me with a dazzling smile. "Besides, you were a much-needed distraction. This lot is always eager for a break."

"Hey!" a female soldier called out, and her features shifted into a frown, clearly offended by the captain's words.

"Yes, yes, you're pretty too," Kael called back to her, winking mischievously. I found myself smiling at his antics.

The soldier rolled her eyes and then turned on her heels, heading toward a range. I watched with curiosity as she exhaled a stream of fire through her mouth that set her arrows ablaze. I couldn't help but feel she was showing off a bit in front of the human. It wasn't exactly practical to shoot hay targets with flaming arrows.

But I was impressed. And a bit terrified. I'd never born witness to dragon abilities like this. It was incredible. I hadn't known dragons could breathe fire while in human form.

On the opposite end of the field, I witnessed a dragon shift back into his humanoid form and casually walk to an area with skeins of water. He did it so causally. Were they always happy to shift? Did they prefer one form over the other?

Kael seemed amused by my amazement and nudged me slightly.

"I'd advise you to learn your way around the palace grounds," Kael suggested. "I wouldn't want you to get hurt, in the future, Miss Avaline."

The captain of the guard ran his hand down my arm, and I shivered under his touch. I felt my cheeks flush with warmth.

Robin had been right. The gorgeous dragon was flirtatious, and it was so easy to grin back at him. I had no interest in finding out just how right she'd been about all of his qualities, but it was nice to speak to a dragon for once that I wasn't afraid would bite my head off.

"Kael!" I looked over to see King Gavriel swiftly approaching.

A knot formed in my stomach. He looked immensely angry, and I hoped that anger had little to do with me.

"Your Majesty," Kael greeted him formally, and he offered him a small bow. "How can I assist you?"

"I need to speak with you at once," Gavriel growled. The dragon king didn't spare me a single glance, and any concern for my health this morning was apparently forgotten.

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