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Chapter 5: The Banquet

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Heat blossomed through my cheeks and a pit formed in my stomach.


I chafed at the accusation even as my collarbone burned where she had traced it. What right did she have to say such things to me?

"Brienne, spare the new au pair," Gavriel said with a roll of his eyes. "Can't you see you're embarrassing her?"

Brienne. Suddenly her audacious behavior made sense. This gorgeous woman was the king's older sister.

Brienne smiled at me. "What? Do you mean to say you aren't interested in her?"

I stammered, completely tongue-tied.

"Because I certainly might be," she said, her lips curling deeper into a suggestive grin.

Gavriel sighed and ran a hand through his ebony hair. "I didn't call upon you to hit on her, sister. I need you to help her get ready for the banquet. We're already well behind schedule."

"Fine," Brienne sighed, and she dropped the flirtatious air. "Go about your kingly duties, dear brother. I shall get our newest resident ready, and if I'm lucky, learn a bit more about her."

She winked at me and then ran her hand gently down my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in her wake. I wasn't usually the type that to be rendered shy, but Brienne was far more straightforward than anyone I'd ever met.

"Let me remind you again that we're on a timeline, Brienne," Gavriel said again in a firmer tone.

She laughed as she shooed her brother off. "Yes, yes. Run along, Gavriel. I'm perfectly capable of this task. I'm older than you are, remember."

The dragon king narrowed his eyes at her for a moment, and then turned and walked away, muttering, "Well you never act like it." I was delighted to see that I was not the only woman to earn his scorn, though Brienne seemed to not even notice the remark.

"Sorry for the theatrics, darling," she apologized, wrapping her arm around me. "I can't help but tease my little brother whenever the opportunity presents itself. That being said, you are incredibly lovely."

I had never been called beautiful by a dragon before.

"Thank you," I managed. It was hard not to be flattered. Perhaps she meant it.

But despite sharing a similar disposition to Robin, this was Princess Brienne before me. Dragons were manipulative creatures, and something about Brienne felt dangerous.

Dragons cannot be trusted, I reminded myself. Even when they are exceedingly charming. Perhaps especially not then.

Brienne raised a hand to my hair. "I've brought my personal attendants to help us with this process. We do have our work cut out for us." She saw my frown and laughed. "Oh, don't misunderstand me. This burnished gold color is divine. But these tresses need detangling."

She stepped aside and studied me carefully.

"We'll leave your hair partially down," she continued. "It suits you well. As for your attire, my brother was right to select this dress. It accentuates your body and lends well to your coloring."

I was a little self-conscious about this examination. Surely no one would be paying me this much attention.

The side door to the chamber opened again, and in flooded a handful of attendants, each different from the ones I had seen before. It dawned on me just how many of us humans there were here, serving the needs of the dragons.

And some of them would apparently be serving me too.

"Take a seat, Avaline," Brienne said, and she gestured to the vanity.

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