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Chapter 8: Just a Child

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I turned quickly at the sound, my heart already racing before I set eyes on the speaker. Because of course, I already knew who that voice belonged to.

King Gavriel glared at me from just inside the door, as shocked to see me as I was to see him. Well, at least now he knew how it felt to have someone invade your chambers.

My smugness was short lived when he strode across the room. Just like the day we met, his hand reached out and gripped my wrist tightly, a scowl forming on his lips.

The shock of his presence sent Dani's drawing floating down to the floor.

"Wait, I..." I began, trying to bend down to pick up the parchment, but the king's grip tightened around my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Answer me," he growled, taking a step further toward me. "Why do you insist on poking your nose where it doesn't belong?"

"I came here to see you," I said, trying my best to keep my voice steady, despite King Gavriel's glare.

He obviously didn't like my answer. "If you came to see me, why did you sneak in?"

I straightened my back, looking him directly in the eye, even though I was pretty sure that was against my etiquette lessons.

"I didn't sneak in, Your Majesty," I said defiantly, emphasizing the echoed words and hoping that an honorific might soften the blow. "I didn't want to disturb you, since you're so busy, and wanted to drop off a gift for you."

His scowl deepened. "I am busy running a kingdom, and you thought you'd just drop by?"

Under my breath I muttered what I really meant. "Too busy to even see your own daughter."

I said the words without thinking, and of course, the king heard them. His eyes narrowed as he stared at me for a moment.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he demanded, his voice ice cold.

Somehow though, his question bolstered my resolve. The fire in my belly wasn't going to die down until I'd told him what I really thought.

"Even after only spending a day with the little girl I can see how lonely and sad she is," I told him, my voice steady and strong. "She lost her mother, her nanny, and she might as well have lost her father too, given how you never make time for her."

As physically close as we were, I could see something soft flicker in his eyes, but it was only a moment before his glare returned in full force.

"My daughter knows that her father is a king with duties to uphold," he replied and the fire in my belly flared again.

"Of course she knows about duties," I said angrily. "In fact, I'm pretty sure that's all she knows. She barely even knows how to be a little girl. She's only four and she's afraid to play in case it upsets her grandmother. She told me she has no toys because she's studying so she can make a political marriage. Can't you see how sad that is?"

King Gavriel's brow was still furrowed, but his grip on my wrist slackened, and I realized I might be winning him hover.

"That's just how royals are raised," he said matter-of-factly.

I shook my head. "No, that's how royals are made. That's not how you raise a child."

He dropped my wrist, and that said more to me than even his words could have. I had finally won one of these interactions, and the flame in my heart blazed with pride.

We locked eyes for a moment, his gaze somehow thoughtful. Then I bent down and picked up Dani's drawing.

"Here," I said, holding it out to him. "Your daughter made this for you."

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