Ricardo's Log - Day 1 - Part 12 - The Sorting Quest

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Oh why? Well lemme tell ya a story called "WHY I HATE BULLIES AND ADULTS WHO PUNISH THE BULLIED."
That ain't even the half of it. I cant even tell you how many time that's happened to me but also some of the other students. Especially those in the "special needs" group at school.

Even when I was told it was 'sUpPoRtIvE', look there's nowt supportive with a worker that's supposed to help you out but all she does is breathe down me neck and criticise every thing that I do, which includes having tics, meltdowns, being forgetful, lacking focus and trouble with relationships. Now that sounds fair but when you have autism, ADHD and bipolar like I did, then you'd know that you can't do owt about any of that.

But you know what really did it? The first time I got in proper trouble? When I was in school, I had proper trouble with me writing and spelling so I used a pencil because it's easier to rub out your mistakes, sounds decent right? WRONG. because I was in secondary school, I had to use a PEN and ONLY A PEN FOR EVERYTHING.
You can't really use a rubber to erase misspellings with pen ink yet can you? So I ended having to cross out my mistakes instead BUT GUESS WHAT?! I still got told off for doing that too. So I had to sneak using a pencil since it was best fit for me but then my 'support' worker but me under a report card just for that and I got a permanent black mark for that. From then it alll when down from there. Detentions, calls to parents and just plain stalking.

I remember getting bullied by other students in school too, especially one bully who made a whole YouTube channel just making fun of me autistic traits. He got a detention for that but when he still had friends and all it did for him was get him more angry with me. So he ended up bullying me more discreetly. What made it worse it when I reported the bullying, you know what I got? MORE SUPERVISION.
Detentions don't do owt to help anyone. It didn't help me and it sure as heck didn't make the bully less of a bully.
Nobody freaking deserves just being thrown out just the for the sake of it. I don't care!

So after legging it to the brig and I saw Annie there she stuck behind bars, the sight just freaks me out. Why you gotta cage her like that?!
Then front yeah I saw the dingus in front of me. I know a bully when I see one, so yeah, he's gonna get a proper swording from me
So enough faffing about and I went in and swung me sword towards Diewood (Shakira told me the name of the twonk afterwards).
Now here's the wacky part, when I hit his sword it pushed me back, right? But when I pushed, I didn't fall over. My legs stayed in the same spot whilst me entire body just flopped backwards, then I sprang back up. It's kinda like when you have those inflatable punching bags (I used to have one shaped like Bob the Builder.) and no matter you hit it, it wouldn't fall over. Now it was happening to me...COOL and weird.
Weird cool.......Coowierd? Or Wool? (Wait no.) Dang it, I lost me train of me brain....OH yeah me owning this Ant creep!

But it was at this time, Diewood didn't royally mess up with me until he MADE MY FRIEND'S HEAD FALL OFF. It was flipping scary losing her head like that, but she's a Zombo so it's not too bad I guess but I wanted to go and help her.

"No No No, don't worry about me" her head said. "You need to defeat Diewood!"
Shakira was right, I need to get Annie outta there!
I raised me sword to towards the bug's ugly mug and Imma gonna go full ham on him!
First I swung from me left, clashing with him as he upper-cutted causing both of us to lean backwards from the clash but then I used my momemtenum to spring back and slash down his face!
Annoying thing is that Diewood was antipisatin that move too. That not's stopping me from nothing tho! I swung from me left and then I swung from my right! Both of us was kinda ping-ponging off each other like nobody's bidness.

Then Diewood had to open his dumb mouth (Or pincers? Or whatever you call Ant mouths). "Boy, you are relentless!"
and I came back with "Yeah and I ain't not giving up neither!" Roasting him good.
"Well you should, your swordplay is absolutely atrocious." Diewood roasted me with the weakest comeback.
Look I'll be honest, I'm no sword master. It's not my fault secondary school never taught me.

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