The week before it happened

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June 26th

Samantha rolled over on her side of the bed, slowly pulling her feet out off from under the cover on the hard wooden floor, quickly giving a long stretch and a small yawn quickly pressing her alarm clock so she didn't end up waking up anyone else in the house.

"Good morning Sammie" said a male voice, Samantha smiled to her dad who was reading the newspaper and eating a piece of toast, as he usually does before he left for work himself "good morning daddy" Samantha says still sleepily, quickly making herself a coffee to wake herself up bit more before getting in the shower.


The warm water quickly hitting Samantha body, her daddy already left for work not long after she spoke to him and her mother would be getting up any time now so she would still have time say morning to her before she went to work herself .

15 minutes later

Slowly climbing out off the shower and grabbing a towel wrapping round and slowly walk out from the bathroom toward her bedroom, noticing her mother just coming out from her bedroom "good morning mother"
"Good morning dear" her mother replied quickly before she quickly disappeared downstairs, then stopped and looked at Samantha and said said quickly in a hurry "can you please wake your siblings? They suppose to be in school in half an hour and I am running late myself and tell them they got do their own breakfasts today" Samantha nodded and watched her mum rush downstairs and went back to her room to quickly get ready for work.


Samantha slowly walked to her bother bedroom door, he had lodes of football stickers on it and an sign saying keep out, turning 18 in few months he was in his last year of school, one knock, no answer, then Samantha did another knock but still no answer. Deciding to not follow her brother rule she quickly marched in his room and walked over to his bed, his room was covered in football stuff and his favourite team Arsenal "wake up" Samantha says to her still sleeping brother, then heard a small grumble "mum told me to wake you up since she is running late so get your lazy bum out from bed and get ready for school!" Samantha use to be really close to her brother when they was little kids, but now she can't stand him and wished at times he just grew up like she did "I don't need school, I know what I want to do with my life" she heard her brother moaning under his cover "what that then?"
"I want to be a footballer and then I can be famous" Samantha just rolled her eyes, that all her brother talked about with anyone these days football that football this "Callam Matthew Williams if you don't get out this bed now you be in so much trouble!" Nothing.


Samantha was running late for work after trying to get her younger brother and sister out from bed, this morning wasn't going well she could tell.


Quickly parking her car in the car park and jumping out from her old car, well it not old to her, but it was her dad's and he gave it to her once she passed her driving test and he brought himself an newer car from himself

"hey Samantha!"

Quickly turned round from her car after locking it and noticed one of her work college also best friend standing there "oh, hey Danielle" she replied às she quickly walked over to her "next Friday nearly here!" Samantha looked at her best friend in confusion "what happening next Friday?"
"You don't know?"
"Know what?"
"After work next Friday everyone from work gonna meet at the pub we all usually go round 8pm so the boss said we can leave at 5 so people have time to get home and do other stuff before we meet up again" Danielle gave a loud excited scream like she was seeing an teenager seeing a boyband, Samantha just chuckled softy following Danielle inside the building.

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