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October 25th


Samantha looked at the new trouses her mum brought her over the weekend, her other paired all ended up not fitting her anymore, she smiled as she looked at them in her mirror already love them, then frowned when she notices her small bump sticking out a tiny bit. She sighed as she gently tapped her small bump, noticing a bit of her belly showing though and she frowned knowing it won't be long until she will need start wearing more suitable tops.

Samantha mum now accepted her oldest child being pregnant and gotten more and more excited on becoming a grandma, telling all her friends the news.


"Sweetheart do you know how you going tell the rest the rest of the family when they come down next weekend?" Samantha nodded, she didn't had no clue what so ever. But the way she was going with the weight they would find out by themself anyway. Putting on 14 pounds since she found out she was pregnant.

"Sarah! Can I speak to you for a minute please in kitchen!" Samantha dad bellowed to his wife, Samantha and her mum looked each other and shrugged her shoulder then her mum went in the kitchen.

"Have Sam thought yet what she gonna do with this baby when it born?" Samantha heard her dad says as she tried to watch TV but she couldn't concerate. Last few weeks her dad was finding it hard to accept this news,he still wasn't ready to be a grandad. He says he still too young to be a grandad, even though he was coming to 50 by end of the year.

October 26th


"Wow Samantha you getting big now, how many weeks are you now?!" Danielle giggled as the two girls ate their lunch.

"18 weeks now, 2 weeks to go and then find out the sex of the baby" Samantha quickly felt her best friend hug her "can I touch it" Danielle says looking at the smallish bump and Samantha nodded smiling softy.

"So the Halloween party, are you coming?
"I don't know I don't have a costume"
"I don't either, we can go costume shopping" Danielle giggled and Samantha smiled "but I don't think anyone want a pregnant girl there"
"Well I do!" Samantha sighed "ok I go
But remember I can't drink"
"Well duh, your pregnant!" Both the giggled.

October 27th


Danielle and Samantha had day off from work today, first day off in a long time and they knew it was the best time to go costume shopping for the party.

Going in all different costume shops but couldn't find anything they liked until they came to one shop.

Danielle ended up picking up an superwoman costume and quickly paid for that and Samantha picked up something what she knew would suit in especially being pregnant.

"So, what did you end up getting then?" Danielle says excited. Samantha pulled it out from the bag and Danielle pulled on a big gin, it was a zombie costume and had an baby hand coming out of it in the top bit "you gonna look awesome!" Samantha nodded, plus she knew people was now catching on she pregnant and it wouldn't be long until they realised she actually is.

October 30th


Samantha arrived outside the same pub she and her boss done it at, she quickly paid the driver and climbed out. The bump was showing more then usual but not sure because if she put on 3 pounds last few days or the costume really tight so the bump be more noticeble.

Walking inside the pub and everyone already was there, well Samantha did said she was gonna run an hour late.

"Over here!" Samantha saw Danielle waving to her and she was sitting next to Tom, she could tell they was holding hands, so everyone else must know now about them two dating.


"How you doing Samantha?" Samantha turned to Paul, this was the first time he manage to speak to her since she told him she was pregnant by his child and she smiled softy "I am doing good, get to find out the sex of the baby in two weeks" that time Paul smiled, first time he smiled in weeks and everyone else noticed as well.

Paul slowly brushed his fingers though his hair "I want be there for you and the baby"
"What about your family?"
"They never have to know" Samantha frowned, she didn't want her baby grow up in a world where people lie especially his or her daddy "Paul, if you want to be part of this baby life you can't lie to your family" Paul frowned, he knew she was right but he couldn't bare on losing them then he said "to be honest, I can tell my wife thinking I am cheating on her wih someone else. We have been fighting more about it" Samantha frowned back "well you did cheat on her with me"
"True" Then for first time in ages Paul and Samantha smiled to each other.

"Can I fill it? You know the bump" Samantha giggled and nodded and while nobody was looking or was dancing Paul gently rest his hand on Samantha belly and smiled some more to her.


Everyone was finally drunk, Samantha started to fill tired, she quickly went said bye to Danielle and Tom and called a taxi home.

Just when the taxi arrived Paul quickly came running out from the pub surprisingly he wasn't drunk, but he was tipsy though "Samantha wait!" He shouted to her and then finally caught up to her "I want be there at the next appointment, I want to know what we're having" Samantha smiled, she never felt so pleased to hear what she was hearing then told Paul the details until climbed in the taxi.

1st November


Samantha slowly climbed out from her bed, her family was coming round today and she knew it was the day to tell them the news.

Slowly walking to the mirror and looked down at her more rounded bump, now there was no way they wouldn't find out themself the size she was. Gently smiling as she rubbed her bump and felt the baby slowly started kicking very softy.


Looking at her clothes, they clearly couldn't fit her anymore. Quickly putting on an overside jumper and tracking bottoms she walked downstairs and to her surprise noticed her nan was already there.


All the rest of the family arrived "Samantha got something to tell you all" Samantha looked round at everyone, the house was crowed and she smiled down at her cousin daughter who just turned 1 "your pregnant!" Someone shouted out and Samantha blushed and nodded, resting her hand on her stomach and to her surprise the family all hugged her and congrats her and not once they mentioned the father. Maybe they guessed as well the father wasn't in the baby life.

"Now we can do play dates" Samantha cousin said, Samantha couldn't believe she was 2 years older then her cousin since her cousin had her daughter she grew up a lot "this baby will change your life" Samantha heard her cousin say. Then she remembered Julie saying that as well "I believe he or she already have"
"So, do you know the sex yet?"
"Find out in a week and a half" Samantha cousin giggled quickly "when I found out I was having a girl I was over the moon, what are you hoping for?"
"I don't care, as long the baby healthy"


Finally the family all left and congrats Samantha once more "when you have this baby you got let me know then I can see him or her and maybe bring Kaylee" Samantha cousin said and Kaylee being her 1 years old.

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